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Did you read the report just posted by SKMO on the Table Rock Forum? Incredible report. No where will you find a report like this one and this isn't even the best time to fish for bass. Just wait till this spring... I hope this board lights up with info and reports on dozens of lakes and streams. That will be gratifying.

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Bravo everyone! And since Jim brought it up, I have to add...

I also read the postings of the initiator of this thread, and I certainly interpreted a lot of drama in most of the 13 or so postings since February. And the initial post on this thread contained a complaint about the lack of fishing reports, but the closest thing to a fishing report I saw was "the night fishing is awsome use a lot of streamers and big ones."

I like what you and Marsha came up with, Phil... right on the mark...

By the way... I like the idea of the section for reports with no reply available. I think that would be good for all of us...

And...davekeim... Kerry doesn't have to use Botox anymore... Putting his foot in his mouth has stretched the skin on his face more than any facelift or botox could ever do.... :lol:



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

Met a few pompous windbags too....

Life is short so smile, laugh, and fish all you can. B)

Have you met me, Rich? This pompous windbag doesn't remember that... :lol:

And.... AMEN, brother.... Amen....



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


hehehehe - this is a fun thread. Secret spots, Secret flies, GPS hotspots - man, feels like I'm on the 007 board.

I don't get to post on here tons, but I read this board FOR the comic relief (and sometimes am certainly a part of it) - AND for the fishing reports - seems to me there are plenty of reports, and lets be honest - it's Taneycomo -there are 7,000 fish at your feet!!!! So I really don't need detailed "secret techniques" - just like to see how high the water is and what's been good before I come down - although rarely does it work when I get there - but that is the beauty of fishing - by reading, fishing countless hours, etc etc - you always have something else to try.

I have said before we just need to keep a sense of humor on this board and all will be well. I mean when Tightline says I look like a girl - I know it's just that he wishes he was a skinny good looking guy like me - he is just purging his soul - and I'm there for him. ;) Maybe that's drama to some - I just think it's having fun, like giving your buddy crap when he loses a fish on the river - if you can't take a few jabs, better stick to just reading. :D Like the MDC report "Taneycomo is fair, powerbait on the lower end, scuds and midges in the trophy area" - no drama there!!

Phil, I think the forum is just great! But could you just change the colors, and the type is too small, and gonefishin is always picking on me, and I don't like guys who use all the smilies, we need an environmental wacko forum for guys like me, and what if I want to fish WITH my GPS and a 12wt - is there a forum for that, and there should be a special girls gone grabbin section, and if I were king..............


"We are living in the midst of a Creation that is mostly mysterious - that even when visible, is never fully imaginable".

-Wendell Berry-


If you will look back at my original post you will see that I did admit to posting some of the B.S. that I'm talking about, I never denied it.

I think that some of the drama is good now I have it set so I do not even have to read it. I was unaware that you could do that thanks for telling me about that.

I would like to think though that the people could read this forum and want to have a civil conversation on here, that does not always happen. Since I posted this there have been several people try tear me down personaly and I do not appreciate it.

I have only fly fished for a couple of years and I learn by watching, and talking to peopel about the sport. I have read so many post on here that i do sometimes get confussed. I think that here latley I have felt intimedated to ask.I have hired a few guides to show me the ropes and I vist my local fly shops in the area, and ask alot of questions.

On the fishing reports I would like to see some of them tell you what fly how they fished and where, and I feel that there are people on this forum that do that. Now that is all I'm going to read. If I want to watch a soap opera I will read other post.

Again I'm not saying that the forum is bad and I understand that this forum is an open public forum so any goes to a certain extent. I'm sure it takes a lot of work and Phil does do a good job at it.


I've said it before, I'll say it again...

"If you point a finger at someone, look at your hand... there are three other fingers pointing back at you..."

I'm certain my meaning will not be understood, but I said it anyway...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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First, this is an awesome site just the way it is. I think Phil has done a wonderful job.

Some posts may be called drama, but I feel they bring more to the site than what is the hot fly of the day, or hot area at the time. Some of the posts prompt me to think about so much more than just what I can go catch a few fish on.

I enjoy hearing everyones opinions about keeping or releasing fish, or should you land a fish that has been foul hooked, or should a fly pattern be copied or not, etc.... There is so much more to our sport than what to tie on the end of that 6x.

I too love a good fishing report, but it's the extra you get on this site that makes it so great!!!

Just my opinion :D


as someone who visits other boards--THIS board is a great board & informative as well as entertaining, one reason it is growing

keep good posters coming back, the rest will take care of its self

if it was a straight fishing report only, what would be the fun in that?



MONKEYS? what monkeys?


I promise if I ever have a really good day Trout fishing on Taney I will post every little detail and will drive a stake in the gravel where I caught them with a red flag on it,so far can't say I have had one of those (load the boat ) days. And I can't believe I'm going to say this but I agree with Scheetz, do we really need to know Where on Taney, you can,t even wade without stepping on them .

Scheetz, man you are sensitive. I put a (HE HE ) at the end of that remark so you would know I was kidding, am I gonna have to start using smillie faces ? Besides that I didn't have my glasses on. :D


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