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Bank Fishing Walleyes


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WOW ! a lot of posts in the last day on here ! its great to see every ones opinions and info! usually not to much walleye chat on here, so this is great. another question I guess I have then is , how does present day bull shoals compare to say 10-20 years ago, are numbers increasing- decreasing or kind of staying the same ?

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Hey there Powerdive, boy its not very hard to get a rise out of some folks, I may not be able to get a 19lb walleye to bite but can get a trophy or 2 on this forum. Its good to see all these opinions. Agree or disagree with me it sure won't hurt my feelings because I just tell it like I SEE it.

You are right if one lake has the potential to break the record it is Bullshoals and like I said, i really really hope it does happen .But just don't think it will.

Powerdive I would sure like to see some pics of those 17 and 19 lbers, bet those were hogs.

All is well, TL. I just can't see how having the White River strain represented in the gene pool would improve the quality of the walleye fishery . It is a world class fishery already. Some of the PWT pros who fished here were so impressed that they were seriously looking at buying property at Bull Shoals.

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Thanks for sharing that Bry. Kind of reminds me of the same deal going on with the Striper caught last Spring on Bull that the state of Arkansas has been such a complete disaster on.

At least when you caught yours, there wasn't a million dollars on the line, for some state agency to screw up for ya.

Good Luck

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Wow the is an amazing amount of post about walleye and has been fun to read. I only have one complaint. No pictures! I love checking out the fishing reports and seeing all the pics of big fish while i sit here at work. Nice to see some lucky folks are living the dream and why i love this site.

But after reading all the way through this blog today and hearing about all these big and little walleye catches, where's the pics?

Bill and others, bring a camera along once in a while to show us some fish porn.

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Thanks for your story Bry, I havent read this entire thread but I read your post and am glad you'd rather let a beautiful monster live than greedily kill it for an uppity record. I've always wanted to catch a state record fish, but if faced with your situation, and after reading your story, Id rather let it live and piss on the record books. Plus you got to catch it a few more times after. I bet that was an amazing feeling.

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I agree with your sentiment Bry and agree it was poor performance by the wardens, but on the other hand it doesn't make all that the MDC does bad, or good for that matter. I think the MDC probably doesn't want to get on the bad side of fishermen in a state where bass and trout pay a lot of bills by spending a lot on a fish that isn't at this point paying many.. ironically a lot of states that have copied the organization of the MDC now do a better job in many instances.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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Excellent story Bry,I can feel your pain and disgust,and have had 2 family members go through a similar experience.

But when you take out the bad instances where you think they have totally screwed up, they (MDC) have gave use alot to be thankful for compared to other states.

Alot of State and Federal programs and institutions are not perfect, but neither are we.

Good post and great story Bry.

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Powerdive, just an example here. What if we took hundreds of our Largemouth bass and transplanted them in Lake Okeechobee in Florida where they have of course the Florida strain largemouth that get up to 17 or 18 lbs what do you think would happen later than sooner.

The farther south you go the bigger the fish get and alot of strains are unique.Florida largemouth look different than our largemouth.

Missouri,Tenessee,and Kentucky have a special situation when it comes to Walleye,longer growing seasons,but water still cool enough to support them..

Look up some of the northern state records for eyes,Minnesota,17 lb, Wisconsin 18 lb.

Theres nothing that can be done about it now and I am happy with the good walleye fishing we enjoy, but just wish that the MDC woud've tried a little harder to get eggs and fry from our original river jack salmon.

Just an opinion of mine.

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