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I don't know if I can accept the "Missouri D can't adjust" argument. That's pretty sorry if they can't. They did adjust on the first series of the 3rd quarter, brought up a couple of linebackers to the line of scrimmage, and stopped Auburn that series. Then the following series they dropped the linebackers back 4 yards off the LOS and Auburn was off to the races. Maybe making adjustments wouldn't have worked, but it's just plain dumb to play the same ol' same ol' when the other team is racking up 500 yards of rushing.

But like I said, the series after that they went back to 4 man front with the linebackers crowding the line, and Auburn ran right through it. Yeah, I was surprised and disappointed that they didn't stay with the 4 man and linebackers until it stopped working, but after seeing what happened when they went back to it I had some second thoughts.
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The problem is a lot of defenses worse than ours did better against Auburn. If Steck is incapable of making ingame adjustments he isn't much of a DC. But the thing is, he has been good at this all year-that is fixing problems at halftime. He just got too stubborn against Auburn. Hopefully he'll learn from that.

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I don't know OTF, maybe the SC game was a hint? When Shaw came in I'm sure the plays got more complicated and MO should have been ready just in case, but they weren't.

F&F I kind of agree with your assessment, except maybe the NC and the Sugar.

FSU has a top defense and better than Bama's and a coordinator better than MO. I look for FSU to get ahead a slowly pull away.

The Sugar, not this season. For what ever reason Stoops is much better in the regular season than in the bowls. He also doesn't have a strong team this year, the starting defense in the middle is gone, and while the replacements have real improved, they aren't the team captains that were lost. The DB's are very talented and athletic, top notch, but young and prone to mistakes. The receivers are also very talented, but hampered by height and easy to cover at times. In the end, while I would love for them to put it on 'Bama, I don't have much hope without and extra large dose of Sooner Magic!

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Wayne I aint calling the Sugar at all, my take on stoops is he has an uncanny way of finding a win out of the air. That game in no way would I bet on but I sure will be watching it.

I will stick with Auburn call it gut or a hunch but something is telling me to much voodoo in Gus's pocket I cant put my finger on it but something inside me says they will win and I bet it will be in an exciting oh my god way.

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AGREED!!!!!!! highschool teams make adjustments all the time and do it well, I'm pretty sure a D-1 team like Mizzou could do it???? if they can't those kids are not coached very well.........bottom line is coaching killed those kids chances of wining that game.......quit with all the excuses for coaching.....he blew it and blew big time. You put 7 or 8 men in the box and your corners and one safety have to stay on their men and you beat the triple option. You guys are acting like the triple option is not defensible??? wouldn't you think teams in the NFL would be using it??? FSU will beat Auburn and pretty easily and they will have 7 or 8 men in the box.....something MIZZOU refused to do or couldn't do or as some of you are saying didn't have the ability to make a change because it just too confusing????hahahahaha

I don't know if I can accept the "Missouri D can't adjust" argument. That's pretty sorry if they can't. They did adjust on the first series of the 3rd quarter, brought up a couple of linebackers to the line of scrimmage, and stopped Auburn that series. Then the following series they dropped the linebackers back 4 yards off the LOS and Auburn was off to the races. Maybe making adjustments wouldn't have worked, but it's just plain dumb to play the same ol' same ol' when the other team is racking up 500 yards of rushing.

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OTF that was not A DIRTY HIT! I am tired of hearing people say it. Josey actually wouldn't have been hurt near as bad had some dumbass cheerleader not left the cardboard laying on the ground that helped him slide in to the cart. There was momentum by both players and the late shove was by no means a "Dirty Hit" as initial contact occurred before they were out of bounds. It is the Josey Story that has people more sympathetic to him and crying over it.

Now for the Bowls

National Championship; If this game was played within two weeks I would say Florida as we have seen many times the LONG time off effects teams and I think this plays in to Auburn much more than Florida. Auburn will come out play its game and Florida will have to settle down and adjust. Auburn should go up several TD's and this could demoralize Florida and force JW to make ill-advised passes. Florida tries to make it a shoot-out and that Plays to Auburns strength. Auburn should win this despite what Vegas thinks. Florida can win but it would take them coming out on their first drive and score and then stuffing Auburn showing they ( fl ) have no rust on them and has the momentum. I believe this to be the key for either team, the one who gets early momentum and shakes the month old rust off.

Rose Bowl; Stanford will certainly have the crowd behind them and have played hard nosed football all year, Michigan is on the road I think Stanford is to much for the Spartans.

Fiesta Bowl; Not much to be said here UCF shouldn't be here and Baylor is going to massacre them.

Sugar Bowl; If you are a football fan this is the game to watch it could be billed so many way but simply Saban v Stoops! Though I would love it to have happened in 2010 this will be a game to watch, two of the best coaching minds in football going head to head. I would typically predict Alabama over most any team but not against a Stoops coached team. This is an exciting game and Is liable to remind many people of old-time smash-mouth football. I'm loving it.

Orange Bowl; Ohio was proven lacking in their play against a top 10 ranked team. BUT Clemson is not ranked in the top 10 and they have lost to two ranked teams when they played them. Ohio should easily handle them.

Best BCS games will be the NC and Sugar.

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FAF. Purely a play on words. You're right, it was not a dirty hit. It was a totally illegal shove clearly far out of bounds. The cardboard would not of been a factor had the Auburn player not shoved him 3 steps out of bounds illegally like that. Football is a violent enough game within the rules. Don't know if you played football but we would of called that a punka** cheapshot. I just hate it when excuses are made for a player that obviously pulled a chump move! (regardless of who was the recipient)

OTF that was not A DIRTY HIT! I am tired of hearing people say it. Josey actually wouldn't have been hurt near as bad had some dumbass cheerleader not left the cardboard laying on the ground that helped him slide in to the cart. There was momentum by both players and the late shove was by no means a "Dirty Hit" as initial contact occurred before they were out of bounds. It is the Josey Story that has people more sympathetic to him and crying over it.

"Pretty soon we may not have any rights left because it might infringe on someone's rights"

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What few adjustments we did make obviously didn't work. Sure stinks to have an offense that was good enough to win but get so let down by the defense. It's been a great year and it's not over yet. The final chapter on this team and the success level of this years team isn't written yet. We'll see how they bounce back. OSU has a good offense but thank goodness it not the triple option!

"Pretty soon we may not have any rights left because it might infringe on someone's rights"

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OTF that was not A DIRTY HIT! I am tired of hearing people say it.

There is a reason everyone is saying it. He was out of bounds for about 5 minutes before he was pushed into a cart along the sideline causing an injury that knocked him out of the most important game of his career. It simply doesn't get dirtier than that. And yes, the Josey story does matter, and I'd suggest you'd feel the same way if he was an Arkansas player. When he got (very minorly as it turned out) injured earlier this year, you should have been in Mizzou's stadium-I have never seen 65,000 people be so quiet and depressed, because that is what he means to our fanbase. Josey is near and dear to any Missouri fans heart because of the way he came back, and especially in that context it makes me sick to see an opponent pull that crap. He should be suspended in the title game without a doubt. Have the guts to do that, Gus Malzahn.

So short of that, I won't be cheering for good old War Eagle in January. Of course I won't really be cheering for FSU either. At least I had Notre Dame to pull for last year before that went down in flames. Now I have serious reservations about both participants. For me, college football ends after Mizzou plays Oklahoma State. Then it's on to basketball, officially.

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