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What has happened to the White Bass at LOZ over the years. 10-20 yrs ago they were so abundant. You could go out most days, especially early spring and fall and just follow the jumps.

I think last year, I only saw a couple of jumps and they didn't last very long.

I can remember fall fishing on the Big Niangua and boats sitting on humps waiting for the big runs. Now, I don't see that many fishing for them.

We used to throw nets and catch our shad and use them for bait. I don't think I would know how to throw a cast net anymore.

The only way we caught them last fall, was trolling crankbaits and jigs. We did catch a few, but no where near what we did in the past.

Don't know what has changed.




10-20 years ago pre-dates my white bass infatuation, but I can certainly see a slow and steady decline since 2007 in the areas where I do the majority of my fishing.

Both in average size, and numbers being caught.

It isn't because of a lack of forage, I'm certain of that.

And I don't think it is because of over harvest, but I'm not ruling that out entirely.

For the most part I choose to blame Ameren, since they always seem to hose up what would otherwise be ultimate spawning conditions year after year.


They can still be caught but it is primarily an evening game these days from what I see. You used to be able to pitch a topwater anywhere in the Gravois on a spring morning and have a ball on nice 2-3# spawners. Not so much now. I did catch a bunch of nice fish last March on the fiat below Gravois Mills but since then not much to report. Too bad; they fight and eat pretty good too if you take the time when fileting. They make great sandwhich filets


I love white bass fishing in the fall. I have never targeted them in the spring. Last fall the weather kinda messed me up and the fall before that it was my back. I have always had good luck with them up around Roach and Shawnee Bend. I have heard of guys catching them feeding and it sounds like a lot of fun but I have never experienced it. Pound for pound there is no other fish that is more fun to catch than a white or hybrid. It is fun to take people who have never caught one. Hope this fishery improves or at least maintains.

Earl Stuart

fishin is livin


i think there there needs to be a. length limit. i have watched fishermen just load up on white bass not over 5 inches long. I also agree with wrench. When I first heard that Union Electric was going to merge with Central Illinois Power Service I thought then it would have a negative effect on the lake. CIPS never was very much into managing a lake for recreation to say the least.


The only place I've ever caught whites on LoZ was just below Truman Dam. I've never caught any down lake, but I've also never tried for them very hard either. The whites and hybrdis below Bagnell Dam depends a lot on the water flow and temperature. If conditions are perfect and you aren't out there right at daylight, the fishing never seems to very good for me.


i think there there needs to be a. length limit. i have watched fishermen just load up on white bass not over 5 inches long. I also agree with wrench. When I first heard that Union Electric was going to merge with Central Illinois Power Service I thought then it would have a negative effect on the lake. CIPS never was very much into managing a lake for recreation to say the least.

Oh they manage it for recreation alright....just not OUR kind of recreation.

They always make sure that the lake is 659ish and held stable for the poker runs and powerboat shootouts, but they don't give even a fraction of a $#!t about how those drastic overnight drawdowns in the Spring & Fall effect the fish (or the fishing).


Wrench the moment I heard that it was CIPS that was merging with Union I knew we could expect trouble from their influence. That mess at Lake Coffeen In ILL many years ago was well documented in both the St Post Dispatch and the Old Globe Democrat. I do not trust them a bit. I am aware they have had boats out taking a lot of photos the past couple of years. Got to do with ramps and other structure below the 660. I know one of the boat drivers so do you. No idea what this will lead to. I though they grandfathered all that.

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