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So I've been trying to come up with solutions to fishing a Ned in snaggier areas. I like the worm nose heads with the single wire guard but not being sure enough of my shaky hands with a Dremel to modify my mold has left me searching for other options. I think I may have found one though. This is an 1/8oz swinging football head with a 2/0 Owner short shank rigging hook. I've been using this setup with a 3" Havoc Pit Boss Jr and just killing the largemouth and smallmouth in our local lakes. Haven't gotten it wet yet as it just popped into my head last night right before I left for work. What do you guys think? I'm a little concerned about hooking ability with my normal Ned rod but that's yet to be seen.



It's nothing more than a Texas rig, which has caught millions of fish for decades.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

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Blue...you will definitely need more rod to punch through the elaztech, even if texposed. Something more like a shakey head rod.

I played with it as a cut down punch and flip bait last year, but used braid and a big rod.

Only thing is the swing head might add too much action. May not matter if the water is warm and fish are active.


It's nothing more than a Texas rig, which has caught millions of fish for decades.

Actually it is. I used to throw texas rigs almost exclusively until I branched out and starting just trying different things. Not trying to reinvent the wheel just make it better. What's wrong with that? Jika Rigs and Biffle/wobble heads are now the way I present soft plastics where before I would have used a texas rig. Wobble/Biffle Heads/Jika rigs cast better and come through cover and rocks better than a texas rig ever did. Using the old style of bullet weights got caught in WAY to many rocks whereas the wobble head just bounces right along. I seriously lose about 1 Jika or Wobble head to if I had to venture to guess around 5+ of Texas Rigs.


Chief it is not a Texas rig. It is just rigged Texas style. It is just something else it is no better are worse than any other method at has to be used at the right time and in the right way. There are far too many ways and variations to even start mention. 90% of using plastic is in the hands skill level of using things like plastic worms.


Conceptually the same, practically very different animals.

Blue...you might drop that hook size down. The trouble I had punching it was finding a hook that did not just overpower it. The rigging hook from Owner is short to gap, and they make it smaller. Another that was about right was a Mustad straight shank flip hook in about 2/0.

If you add a little piece of shrink tubing it will stay up better. I've been using the new turbo crawz on the swing heads with that tweak and it handles the elaztech well.


Dave the style it is rigged is Texas. I do not care what the hell is in front of the hook it is imbedded Texas style.


It is not a Texas rig. A Carolina rig is not a Texas rig either, even if the bait is hooked in a similar matter.


Dave the style it is rigged is Texas. I do not care what the hell is in front of the hook it is imbedded Texas style.

Plug...that was in reference to Chief's observation. It is definitely TX style, texposed, whatever. We are actually on the same page on this one. The style, attachment, of the weight is where it veers off.

It is kind of like narrowing down the differences between a traditional TX rig and shakey heads. Same, but also very different. Or calling all tubes gitzits, when the old gitzit is a thin walls finesse bait, and most modern tubes are huge in comparison.

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