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I was in Big Creek Saturday evening and was doing some graphing in the dynamite point area. there were at least three very large boats pulling kids on sleds and what not from the mouth of brown's branch on up the creek on past watson's cove. One of the boats dumped a kid off very close to where we were so i idled over to see if he had any idea of the danger of running up and down that section of the creek pulling kids, and not knowing there were trees everywhere just under the water. he informed me that he lived somewhere there in the back of big creek. i said well you have not any knowledge of the water back here or do not care for the welfare of your child otherwise you would not be pulling them over a tree just like that one right there by your boat that is six inches under the water.

that did not bother him in the least, as they went right back to doing what they had been. what i should have done was to get the boat numbers and turn them in for child endangerment. nothing like playing russian roulette with your child.


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Might have been the same dumbazz that was towing a kid on a tube in Big Creek back last spring when the water temp was 55. Little fellow couldn't have weighed more than 60 pounds. Can't imagine how fast he could have (or did) become hypothermic in water that cold.



Had a boat pulling 3 skiers, yes 3 skiers, go between me and the bank today - I was 100 yards off shore over 20 FOW so it didn't bother me, but they were really up shallow, but they made it through OK. Water level is dropping on TR, folks need to be careful.


I guess I get what you're saying but to be honest I am sick of hearing the "child endangerment" card being played so freely these days.

Some of my most cherished memories were made while riding in the back of a pickup truck on a gravel road and it chaps my rear end that I can't allow my kids to do it without risking 7000.00+ in lawyer fees and possible jail time.

It is our individual job to care for our OWN kids, not to enforce what we consider "wise decisions" on everyone elses kids.

If it were up to me I'd allow riding around town in a truck bed but would NOT allow kids on horses. And I would also ban running in flip-flop shoes. But to each their own.


the other thing that was going through my pea brain was if these idiots thought about the size of the waves that they were battering the docks along that area with?? you can bet if anyone was going by there dock like that they would have been out there yelling. i wish it was not such an expense to drive to bull shoals to fish.



I have found that 99% of the people that pull tubes, skiers and the famous wake boats creating the large wakes for their surfers don't care about safety of anyone including themselves and especially fishermen.... When they are on the water it is theirs and they can do anything anywhere regardless to anyone else. When you point out the dangers to them you have insulted their intelligence and you become a hindrance to them and their fun.

I have another comment and that is about lighting on a boat at night. When did it become permissible to line you boat with these blue led lights along each side of your boat front to rear and run the lake at night with them on????? Also headlights at night which blinds other boat operators meeting them at night, sure takes your night vision away for awhile.

It is becoming a nightmare at night on the lake, between boats running with no lights to lights all over of wrong colors and the blinding headlights....

Then there are the dock people floating 5 gal buckets for their own no wake buoys..... Just wait until you catch one and the metal handle screws up your prop as you run over it... You can't see it at night in time to avoid it, no markings, no reflecting tape. Just wait until they all start doing that....There's one dock just down from Cape Fair Marina doing that...

I guess I have become grouchy in my old age... but I would think and expect that more common sense out of the boating public than what I have witnessed the pass few years....I thought that everyone who operates a boat has read the rules and regulations on safe boating. But apparently not, I was running in towards Cape Fair yesterday on the right hand side meeting a pontoon boat and I steered to the right and the stupid operator steers left towards me. I can not go much farther to the right and he finally turns to his right to avoid me and when we pass he give me that dumb butt head shake like I was the dumb one for steering into his path. Someone must have changed the rules and I wasn't informed, for boats meeting each other head on to steer to their right to avoid head on collisions. Come on winter and flush the crazy's off the lake.


I actually saw someone in TR Friday in a canoe. I was at the state park by the marina. A 2 man canoe with one person in it, with the waves white capping from the boat traffic.


I guess I get what you're saying but to be honest I am sick of hearing the "child endangerment" card being played so freely these days.

Some of my most cherished memories were made while riding in the back of a pickup truck on a gravel road and it chaps my rear end that I can't allow my kids to do it without risking 7000.00+ in lawyer fees and possible jail time.

It is our individual job to care for our OWN kids, not to enforce what we consider "wise decisions" on everyone elses kids.

If it were up to me I'd allow riding around town in a truck bed but would NOT allow kids on horses. And I would also ban running in flip-flop shoes. But to each their own.

would you actually knowingly be pulling your children through an obstacle course of spikes??? that is basically what these people are doing. one of these days, that gun is going to hit a live round. there is a lot of difference in riding in the back of the pick up around the farm or back yard, and driving with a bunch of kids in the back going down the highway at 70. surely common sense has to come to play sometime. but, i really do not know just how many are out there any longer with common sense, and pulling children through water loaded with treetops just under the surface all over is not using any common sense at all. Plus, when they continue to do so after being warned, they are parents definitely without good judgement.



I guess I get what you're saying but to be honest I am sick of hearing the "child endangerment" card being played so freely these days.

Some of my most cherished memories were made while riding in the back of a pickup truck on a gravel road and it chaps my rear end that I can't allow my kids to do it without risking 7000.00+ in lawyer fees and possible jail time.

It is our individual job to care for our OWN kids, not to enforce what we consider "wise decisions" on everyone elses kids.

If it were up to me I'd allow riding around town in a truck bed but would NOT allow kids on horses. And I would also ban running in flip-flop shoes. But to each their own.

How people lost their lives riding in the back of pickups?? We have laws like that to help the people who don't have common sense about driving 60 MPH down the road with their kids or grownups in the back of a pickup, who should be smarter than that to allow riding in the back of a pickup with the possibility of an accident happening anytime you are on the road.

I bet you don't wear your seat belt for the same reasoning.


gns fishing, you are right on both accounts about lighting. those leds up and down the side are not to be on while underway, and the headlights that are on all the time is also against the law.

all the bs going on on the water anymore makes me in a foul mode before i ever get to the lake anymore.


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