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Haven't fished for trout since I was a kid. Thought I would give it a try this winter in some of the local community ponds that are stocked by the MDC.

I have a 7' UL I'm planning on using. I plan to get a Pluegar President 20 for the reel. Not sure what type of line to put on it. I use braid for most of my bass fishing, with or without a leader. Probably don't have the proper lures either. I have some ul stuff but it's small cranks and some Blakemore Roadrunners.

Will be fishing Walker, Valisas, & Susan, maybe Jefferson.

What are your recommendations?


2 or 4lb P-line premium CX

Rooster tails, wooley bugs with brass spinners (i.e. Montauk Special), white micro jigs.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


2 or 4lb P-line premium CX

Which color is better clear or Moss Green?


Which color is better clear or Moss Green?

I use the Moss Green for bass, but I don't think it should matter in the local ponds which color you use. Those trout aren't that smart and the water usually isn't that clear.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


I would suggest the clear line. That way you can fish any trout water without having to change lines.I prefer 2 lb line, but if you want to fish any small cranks or roostertail spinners go with the 4 lb. Trout magnet and microtrout magnet jigs fished 14 to 22" below a float will work well for the community ponds. I prefer pink, pink white, orange and yellow jig bodies. Good luck.


I ended up with #4 Moss Green. Went to Walker today and was catching fish on in lines & spoons. Tried floating a trout magnet, all I caught on it was a small 6" bass. My biggest problem was getting snagged and breaking the line getting it loose. Caught 7 nice trout & 2 small bass. Lost all the trout lures I had, so I had to go an replenish for tomorrow. Think I'll try Valasis tomorrow.


I am familiar with Jefferson, and Suson, but where are the others you mentioned? Thanks in advance.

Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


Walker is in Kirkwood Park on Geyer Rd. Vlasis is out off Manchester Rd near Holloway Rd past 141.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


I ended up with #4 Moss Green. Went to Walker today and was catching fish on in lines & spoons. Tried floating a trout magnet, all I caught on it was a small 6" bass. My biggest problem was getting snagged and breaking the line getting it loose. Caught 7 nice trout & 2 small bass. Lost all the trout lures I had, so I had to go an replenish for tomorrow. Think I'll try Valasis tomorrow.

The problem with Walker that I've found is that when they redid the lake a few years ago they lined the bottom with a mesh netting to help keep things in place(???) when they filled it back up??? I guess? It attracts treble hooks it seems and it's easy to get snagged on. I lost a couple $15 pointer jerk baits there last spring.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson

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