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Those mentioned, and other bills pending, constitute the most serious threats to conservation I've seen in my lifetime, and I'm 66.
The reasons our government has become so corrupt and mindless of constituent's wishes, is that nearly all their reelection funding comes from special interests and the general populace has become apathetic to the political process. They don't think we count much any more. But our vote and our voice does matter, if we cast it and voice it. The only thing that can combat special interest money (which buys them ads for reelection) is to know that the voters are paying attention and will stand up for what they value.

To contact any of your senators or representatives, go to http://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/

The best watchdog for our conservations interests is the Conservation Federation of Missouri. To learn the true facts of these bills and what you can do, visit http://confedmo.org/


There is a group of legislatures with a serious vendetta against MDC, and they wish to cripple it at any cost. It bothers them greatly that they have no political control over the MDC and its funding. Since the sales tax for conservation was passed in 1976, various law makers have tried periodically to get control of MDC funding and/or to be able to dictate management of the state's fish and wildlife. Never has there been such a concerted and comprehensive effort to destroy the Department as we know it. They're attacking from every angle.

Here's a listing of all the bills currently under consideration that would damage the way MDC functions.
SJR1 (Munzlinger), which attacks the composition of the Conservation Commission and would politicize it from the inside.

B178 (Munzlinger), which is another attempt to reclassify captive deer as livestock.
HJR 8 (Redmon), proposes a constitutional provision repealing the sales and use tax for conservation.
HJR 27 (Spencer), proposes a constitutional amendment reducing the sales tax by half.
HJR 28 (Spencer, proposes a constitutional amendment requiring the conservation sales tax to be approved by voters ever 10 years.
HB 315 (Brown), requires the DOC to conduct testing of deceased deer found along state highways for chronic wasting disease.
HB 316 (Brown), requires Conservation Commission members to register as lobbyists and follow lobbyist rules and regulations.
HB 317 (Brown), requires the DOC to reimburse automobile owners of the $500 for damages inflicted upon vehicles by deer.


HB 315 (Brown), requires the DOC to conduct testing of deceased deer found along state highways for chronic wasting disease.

HB 317 (Brown), requires the DOC to reimburse automobile owners of the $500 for damages inflicted upon vehicles by deer.

Wow, these 2 proposals above are seriously loony.


Right, Quillback. The whole purpose is to put financial stress upon the Department any way they can. It is a vendetta, being fought by lawyers with the ability to make laws. Not sure whether it is a group of people who really just hate the MDC or the result of some special interest pressure, but such a concerted attack needs to be taken seriously.


Right, Quillback. The whole purpose is to put financial stress upon the Department any way they can. It is a vendetta, being fought by lawyers with the ability to make laws.

I perceive that "whole purpose" statement as an assumption more than a genuine fact.

I can't help but think it is either much deeper than that.....Or much shallower (scare tactic propaganda devised to shine a light somewhere else so that nobody looks very hard at what is taking place in the shadows).


Why do you think they are doing it Wrench?

You don't see a pattern in the proposed bills?

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


I think there are several things going on. First, as has been said, a bunch of these legislators do not like not having control over MDC, and some of their constituency is POed at some of MDC's actions, especially the antlered deer regulations, hand fishing ban, etc. You could lump those constituents as disgruntled voters. But there are also several special interest groups that have these guys in their pockets. First and foremost is the Farm Bureau, which absolutely detests MDC for a bunch of reasons, including the deer as livestock thing, and the deer "farmers", of course, are another group.

And then there is pure ideology. Lots of rural legislators are so dead set against taxes of all forms and government regulations of all forms that they simply can't help but go against any agency that's getting tax money that they can't control the spending of same, and any agency that does anything to regulate anything. And the fact is that a whole lot of their constituents feel exactly the same way, or else they wouldn't keep getting elected. There are a whole lot of outstate people who hunt and fish that see cutting taxes and regulations to be more important than conservation.


Why do you think they are doing it Wrench?

You don't see a pattern in the proposed bills?

I don't have a clue, and really don't even care. The only dog I have in the fight is the implication that someone from MDC made in one of the related news feeds that IF funding was cut that gates would start going up at MDC accesses. That hacked me off because all that land has already been paid for. I don't give a flip if they choose to quit mowing the grass or cleaning logs off ramps (which THEY usually don't do anyway...) But threatening to close those areas off to us just because the gravy thickens a bit....Or installing the fear that gates will go up if funding EVER gets sliced...makes my blood boil.

That's BS !

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