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Wrench I was going to say yes, but got to thinking and those times were for a Boats Keep Out buoy violation. I know of one tickedt issued for a no wake violation but it was issued by a COE Park Ranger to an individual who was doing the whole spin, jump etc. thing next to a campground inside the no wake area. Afterward there was a round of applause from the campers watching. If I see one of the troopers I will ask them about it.


when my daughter was about 15 she got a ticket from the water patrol for not obeying the no wake zone by the grand glaize bridge. it was her and one of her friends on a jet ski. i asked her if she was running or idling and she said she was going slow but he said she was going too fast. I didn't really think i could fight it so i sent in the payment like any other ticket. I think it was about $150..


I can see giving tickets for specific No Wake Zones that are there all the time but I don't know how they could enforce a whole lake "recommendation". Like wrench said, looks like the yayhoos already couldn't give a care less.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson

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