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Sometimes you got to eat a little crow.  After meeting with Mo. parks people I understand that Viney Creek went under COE control as of Monday 9/14/15.  Thanks for listening to my "rants".  Now to deal with COE.


I never knew it went over to state control and required a different pass. Guess I got lucky using it half a dozen times this year with my COE pass hanging from my mirror. Never got ticketed.



There is absolutely no reason to close that back ramp.  If they say people will trash it, I call BS.  It has been open and unsupervised in the Winter months for as long as I can remember.  This is just complete crud.  I use that ramp all Winter and never see any debris or any problem.  There never has been a problem.

I'll get a little clarity on it if I can and let you know.


I went to the Q&A session back when COE first closed it around 2 years ago. The guy there basically told me there are 2-3 other ramps right in that area of the lake to use. I said most of them are in subdivision(emerald beach) and those people could be a nuisance to all the boaters now going to their ramps. His response was their ramps are COE property not private and they could not block them from the rest of the public. I'm not sure how true that is but it makes sense however isn't it ironic that is exactly what the COE has done at Viney?


They are correct in that the subdivision ramps are required to be open to the public.  However that doesn't stop some of the homeowners in the area from attempting to restrict it, or just being jerks.  Also seldom are those ramps of the size and parking space of the COE ramps.  Although some are better.


Question regarding subdivision ramp for public usage. Does this include "all" subdivision ramps? More specifically the ramp next to big cedar. If you pass the "wilderness club" and go just a little farther, there is a ramp. Several times I have been to big cedar. The guy at bent hook marina has told me to use that ramp but to just hurry up so no one at the community sees me. And to drive my boat back to bent hook docks and then park my truck on their property. This saves me from having to drive all the way around to thunder (whatever the name) of big cedars ramp is.  Is there not any trespassing laws that would apply?

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