DainW Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 16 minutes ago, Mitch f said: No religion in the world that I know of believes homosexuality is not a sin. Now asking a private business to violate their religious beliefs when the gay couple could've gone down the street and got the cake they wanted pretty much tells me that this was a premeditated set up where the gay couple knowingly requested a cake with the full intentions of filing a lawsuit. Can I ask a couple questions about this? First of all, as far as I know in Christianity, getting a divorce and being remarried is considered a sin as well is it not? Why do we not see any Christian bakeries that are refusing to serve cakes to people that are getting married multiple times? If there was some sort of precedent for that type of thing occurring then I might be a little more inclined to get on board with them choosing not to serve gay couples, but what it looks like to me is that we're seeing selective outrage over which sins are really an issue to them. In any case, nobody forces anyone to start a business, but if you do start a for-profit business in this country, you have to abide by the laws of this country, which state pretty clearly that you cannot legally discriminate against someone. My second question is this. When I was a kid, all of my christian friends used to wear these bracelets that said WWJD, which stands for what would jesus do. Now let's apply that to this situation. Let's say jesus owned a bakery and a gay couple wanted him to bake a cake for them. By a show of hands, how many people here really think that he would say nope, not gonna bake a cake for you guys. What happened to love the sinner not the sin? Doesn't the bible also say something along the lines of "render onto Caesar what is Caesar's...." In other words follow the laws of the country that you live in.
David Unnerstall Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 On 7/28/2016 at 3:23 PM, Jerry Rapp said: I saw an analogy on this issue that was spot on. If there was a bowl of 10,000 M&M's, and there was a very good chance that at least one of them(probably many more than 1) had poison in it that would kill you, would you eat any of them? Jerry, this is fun to believe and even more fun to say out loud but that can be said about any group. SpoonDog and DainW 2
David Unnerstall Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 On 7/28/2016 at 5:40 AM, Quillback said: I'm convinced HC is going to win. And to your point, hopefully Congress will keep her in line and hopefully keep her from spending us further into debt. That's my biggest concern, our fiscal situation and current economic stagnation. Neither candidate is addressing those issues. What do we have now, 40% of Americans need food assistance, close to 50% don't make enough to pay federal income tax, median income is stagnant, GDP growth is anemic, interest rates at the fed level are still close to zero. One candidate basically proposes that this is good and we should maintain status quo, the other doesn't offer any kind of realistic solutions. 300 million people in this country and these are the 2 candidates we end up with? I am really disgusted with out presidential candidate selection process. Lately I have been trying to disconnect myself from this whole race, it just pizzes me off. I didn't even want to comment here, but I guess I just did. Quillback, We all WANT to believe it is the Democrats who have spent us into debt but the numbers don't support it. Deficit spending started with Reagan and Bush One, Clinton reduced deficit spending with Bush Two it went up and has been going down the last seven and a half years. Sixty seconds on the Google will prove this. DainW 1
David Unnerstall Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 10 hours ago, Mitch f said: I don't like Trump at all, but I think he really has the Country's best interest at heart. Even though he's a inarticulate bull in a China shop. He wants to make America great again. So, in other words he's wants to go back to the days when we were a charging economy, and a nation to be respected. Hillary, on the other hand doesn't like the way things are, and wants to change everything to her "uptopia" on earth. If you told your wife you loved her but wanted her to change her hair, her personality, her figure, her attitudes, to make her the way you wanted her to be, do you really love your wife? I'm sure your wife wouldn't think so. When Hillary looked at those parents who's sons were just killed in Benghazi, and lied to their faces, strictly for political reasons, I have absolutely zero respect for her as a human being. It seems another 4 years of her would be a horrible continuation of the last 8, which has been a disaster from my perspective. Trump is an unknown, no doubt. And like Al said, he doesn't seem to be able to articulate well what his plans are. And it's a little scary for sure. I'm willing to take the risk to vote for him because what we've got now is so darn bad. And I refuse to leave my kids a country worse off than what was given to me. Mitch, What did Hillary say that was a lie? Here is a post from Politifact that claims there is no evidence: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/feb/09/what-did-hillary-clinton-tell-families-people-who-/ and there are others.
MOPanfisher Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 Wow, put my grandson down for a nap, decided to have one myself, and woke up to this. I have yet to see anyone here who is a die hard Trump or Clinton supporter. Either way it goes I believe we will be the laughingstock of the world. We either elected a liar, who will say whatever it takes to get elected or, well there really isn't another option. Personally I will give Trump a chance, he may be a lot of things, but stupid he is not. It is still up to us as American citizens to hold the President accountable through our elected representatives. As for being republican or democrat, I have no respect for either party as a whole.
Mitch f Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 17 minutes ago, David Unnerstall said: Mitch, What did Hillary say that was a lie? Here is a post from Politifact that claims there is no evidence: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/feb/09/what-did-hillary-clinton-tell-families-people-who-/ and there are others. She told the families, "we will catch the man who who made the videos" knowing full well that wasn't the case. This took all place 50 some odd days before the election. Knowing that this could have a detrimental effect of Obama beating Romney. I will look over the videos, but I really wouldn't go against the word of the family members who were there standing over the caskets of their dead sons. You make up your own mind, she's not the only one either "Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor
SpoonDog Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 1 hour ago, Mitch f said: No religion in the world that I know of believes homosexuality is not a sin. Presbyterians. Anglicans. Quakers. Episcopalians. Disciples of Christ. How can that possibly be the case when not all Christian denominations believe homosexuality is a sin, Mitch? 1 hour ago, Mitch f said: Now asking a private business to violate their religious beliefs when the gay couple could've gone down the street and got the cake they wanted pretty much tells me that this was a premeditated set up where the gay couple knowingly requested a cake with the full intentions of filing a lawsuit. Growing up Catholic, I never saw a hot dog cart wheel itself into Church and ask for Communion because a hot dog stand is an inanimate object without the capacity to have religious beliefs. A Baker can have religious beliefs, a Baker(y) can't. 1 hour ago, Mitch f said: Lets talk common sense here, how is a temporary block to preform a more thorough vetting of the Muslim refugees somehow being a religious hypocrite? From what I remember, neither Jesus Christ nor the early church was all that jonesed about religious persecution...right? 1 hour ago, Mitch f said: Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and 15-25% are radicals, you do the math. Saudi Arabia beheads gay people every month. Pew polls say 80% of all Muslims believe death is a proper punishment for leaving the religion. Doesn't it make perfect sense? My point is that it's a very common sense thing to take the time to see if they have terror ties. BTW, your dream president and Hillary were caught scrubbing some of the records of Muslim brotherhood members. Nice. Now, wipe that smirk off of your face and get back to your meaningless desk job!!? Here's the study I assume you're talking about, stating 80% of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan believe what you're saying. It is as stupid and asinine to extrapolate those stats across the entire Muslim world as it is to say "most Christians believe in the death penalty for homosexuality" because most Christians in Uganda feel that way. If the numbers tell us anything, it's that Islam isn't monolithic.
Chief Grey Bear Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 1 hour ago, Mitch f said: First of all, I'm a forgiving person by nature, and usually always give people the benefit of the doubt. Nothing from me. Just enjoyed reading this. Chief Grey Bear Living is dangerous to your health Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors
David Unnerstall Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 1 hour ago, Mitch f said: Have a great weekend, all you racists, non racists, homosexuals, academics, liars and thieves! I'm outta here. Hopefully to fish but I doubt I can get through the honey-Do list!! Mitch, Dump out all of the pieces of paper in the honey-Do jar and replace them with pieces of paper that says "Go Fishing." Mitch f 1
David Unnerstall Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 25 minutes ago, Mitch f said: She told the families, "we will catch the man who who made the videos" knowing full well that wasn't the case. This took all place 50 some odd days before the election. Knowing that this could have a detrimental effect of Obama beating Romney. I will look over the videos, but I really wouldn't go against the word of the family members who were there standing over the caskets of their dead sons. You make up your own mind, she's not the only one either Ok so she said Hillary lied about the video (at least we now have established somebody is lying). But she is implying that caused the killings.
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