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I got down two days with family then a buddy came down for last couple days , another good time at the lake. started the first two days only fishing off dock, got an 18 inch smallie spooning in 15 20 foot off top of dock,   and an 18 inch large mouth (diddnt have my phone though) it  was in a group of three ,ive toyed with this pack of  bruisers before  this year to no avail , i was planning on going up to cabin at the moment i spotted them  they were  taking turns ramming into a herded minnow or blue gill school right on shore , i   went grabbed my most trusty rapala threw  into an inch of water, this was all happening  between the  dock cable and dock walkway, i  slowly eased bait deeper, the  smallest one hit it the other were 20 or so inches imo, the other two competitively tried to steal the bait out of mouth that set the precedent to come for next days in boat. also got that 16 incher on jig right off dock .

We recently got a 86,  14 foot yamaha we  got an old merc on it , 1000 or so invested came with good trailer , this was my first time taking a buddy out and being the handler of the craft . was fun exp , cudos to all you captain showing the ropes  to young guys thats how i came to love fishing .      it was hit or miss but was crazy when they were hitting  every time we found fish they were fighting over our bait .


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my buddy tore it up in one main lake cove  while i cursed at the trolley motor, buttons stuck hah , i like seeing fish caught 


we had to search for them extensively i had prior knowledge of some state fish attractors and usual spots weve done well , all fish caught in boat were from seven to 20 foot of water,  TIger stripe flicker shad , jigs , we got lucky to find competitive feeders imo , we rarely changed tactics , just beat our heads against wall till it produced , no depth finder  on boat yet  hah  work in progreess 

i hoooked a 10 incher off some man made rock piles of some sort , when i hear my buddy say holy cow theirs two nice ones going after the hooked fish , i diddnt pull the fish out let it fight  and allowed them to stay in frenzy  he cast crank bait  and caught this nice one , awesome to catch miday fish in august , weather was mild as i recall and water temp dropped 4 degrees or 5 degrees  from 8/12 ti 8/20 according to pontoon depth finder 


fat kentucky friend really loved colors on this one 

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Get out there and do some work , appreciate the valuable reports and info shared ,    I Enjoy And Cherish these times 




BBW, thanks for the information. The pictures show very healthy fish. 



Great report and nice pix. Thanks for sharing the info and your fun.




Good job, thanks for the report.

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