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My oldest boy caught it while trolling for white bass in spring river...

Neosho river was better today than spring river for white bass...bigger fish 

We fished up by tar creek on neosho...and above the piers on spring

I can't figure out how to post pic from phone..


We fished neosho side today...pretty slow but did find a group of fish in tar creek area.


The water is low...and ramp at twin bridges is sketchy...pontoon trailer got hung up on it today

Water is 55 to 57 degrees


Dang that's one big paddler.  Might be a line class record for that species, assuming your young'un was using light line for that Shad Rap. 


8lb test...we didn't measure or weigh it.  We were kind of freaked out...and just threw it back in after taking picture.  Probably wasnt out of the water 10 seconds


We had a couple others on that broke our line...I think the only reason we got this one was because he thought it was snagged and flipped the bail...and the line kind of wrapped around the fish a couple times...it was literally only skin hooked.  We use 8 foot float and fly rods to troll with...was a light tackle fish for sure

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