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Used to catch the saltwater quillback around the Tacoma narrows bridge 25 years ago.  Ugly but tasty.  Also used to go out of Westport WA on bottom fish charters and catch black rockfish that Kjackson is talking about.  They are very similar in appearance to largemouth bass.  They'd typically run 3-5 lbs and were great eating.  Limit was a dozen back in the day, and you'd usually get a lingcod or two.  $80 to go on the charter boat and you'd get your moneys worth in fillets.  Deckhands would fillet them for about $5 for your limit.  It would take 1-2 hours to get back to the harbor and the deckhands would fillet all the fish by the time we got back.


Good place for lingcod, too, I've heard.  Most of my rockfish activities was in the Strait at PA or Neah Bay.  Did the Westport thing once, which was OK, but not as much fun as Neah Bay with a casting rod.

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