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44 minutes ago, Smalliebigs said:

I feel the same way about Trout in Missouri

        Trout are not invasive in Missouri . Most places if you quit stocking them they will die out but you will find carp everywhere and the cat is out of the bag and there will be no stopping them . 


1 hour ago, MoCarp said:

these are not related to common carp, but one of the true "asian" carp that were used in carp pond aquaculture, they fear they may eat all the native mussels, the ones the shellers harvest to make buttons and the inserts that oysters coat "mother of pearl' in the cultured pearl industry that has over harvested our large native mussels....back in the day they had factories that made buttons, the industrialization and the mass consumption of native mollusks at the turn of the century is what devastated what was once massive shell banks in the big river systems, and again the massive floods of 94 washed them into our big river systems, these "carp" Mylopharyngodon piceus are not even closely related to common carp, crappie are closer related to LMB than common carp are to black carp, black carp get big bigger than any of the true asian "carp" they get 2.2 meters long thats well over 6 feet!  the potential of them destroying native mussels is a probability....I am unsure how much "legal" shelling is done in the state anymore, or the impact of zebra mussels on them..its an interesting read.... I asked in our CAG group no-one has ever caught one yet, however the black carp look a lot like grass carp...to be fair our native mussels were getting hammered long before black carp got into the big rivers, how many are out there? no-one knows....I have a friend lives and fishes the Missouri was going to try and use a 1/2 oyster grit 1/2 dehydrated canned oyster boilies to temp one in the Missouri near KC, and up his gear to see if any monsters lurk there, he has been spooled a couple of times and thought it may have been logs floating deep in the current, now after this report he's not so sure (logs don't float upstream!)....





      Here again you are defending your "naturalized" common carp and they don't seem to hurt anything? What do you think we would have if some bucket biologist  would of not brought them here to destroy the native habitat? Carp are carp and they do not belong here period. Man messes with things he shouldn't. Flora and fauna. Even our own conservation department does it. Multiflora rose they used to push to plant and not too long ago autumn olive. Now they are invasive :) ,


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"


2 hours ago, BilletHead said:

        Trout are not invasive in Missouri . Most places if you quit stocking them they will die out but you will find carp everywhere and the cat is out of the bag and there will be no stopping them    

it is my understanding once the dams went in and forever changed the white river to a cold water environment Trout were stocked to mediate the loss of the fish that where in before TR dam went in IMHO it was a plus for man, taking advantage of a changed habitat

2 hours ago, BilletHead said:

 What do you think we would have if some bucket biologist  would of not brought them here to destroy the native habitat?    

The "bait Bucket Biologist" was the Federal and state governments and the destruction of habitat was by mans hand. the common carp was stocked to replace faltering native fishes that were at that time over harvested while we dumped our sewage unchecked into our waters. Commons are still stocked ,a few years ago 70k where stocked in tempe town lake AZ


2 hours ago, BilletHead said:

would of not brought them here to destroy the native habitat?

Commons where in the rivers long before the dams went in, yet the fishing boomed, all the while commons swam content in the new lakes we created, the explosion in wildlife followed with a new found appreciation of what we had lost yet with management of the harvest anglers and hunters started wisely using  our wildlife resources, its called CONSERVATION, organizations sprang up in support of that groups favorite quarry, Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, Wild Turkey foundation ETC. I am old enough to remember when deer hunting was far harder than now and deer used to be re-stocked, I also witnessed the growth of wild turkey and remember in my youth it was a rare thing to see one, much less hunt them. Groups like Carp Anglers Group and American Carp society have sprang up just like others did in the past, I can debate the carp are not always bad issue till the cows come home, several states now manage for trophy common carp, and I am proud to help with research, and speak with fisheries biologists often and like most fish or wildlife can be an asset when properly managed


3 hours ago, BilletHead said:

Man messes with things he shouldn't. Flora and fauna. Even our own conservation department does it. Multiflora rose they used to push to plant and not too long ago autumn olive. Now they are invasive :) ,

man is the issue, and some say european settlers are the epitome of the term "invasive" and the natural environment would be better off with mans exclusion. this was a story about a giant black carp who's effect on our waters is not known, so in the year 2134 we can know how much back carp changed things...perhaps they have a taste for zebra and quagga mussels or perhaps they just don't have what it takes to live over the next 140 or so years.

I or most of my fellow carp anglers are not pushing black carp any more than bass angler are pushing snakeheads

Cheers! Mo;)


MONKEYS? what monkeys?

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