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Got started close to noontime and right when dropping the TM started seeing everything hovering around 15 fow.  

About two hours later had a limit.  They bit mad for about an hour and then they shut off.   Always think I pushed them down or pushed them away.  So basically I’ll turn go deeper on a couple more rods and make a pass several yards from what I made the first couple passes.  That usually seals the deal.   WT 48ish, 20 fow 13-15ft down.

They bit real lite.   Like they were just sucking on the minnow.  Wouldn’t even known you had a fish. 

Went shallower after that 12-14 fow and about 10-13ft down.   Pretty steady at that depth too.  

Very surprised with the belly girth this year.  Said to myself lots of times these are looking more like Dardanelle fish🤣...  

They just roaming and eating.  

God Bless, Good Fishing Lance




Congrats Lance3r. Great looking crappie and report! Always look forward to hearing how you do on Beaver. A great fishery for sure!

39 minutes ago, Quillback said:

Way to go Lance - are you seeing shad around them?

Yes.  They gorge on shad..  Very healthy fish.  Wish I would of took a pic of this little 11.5” crappie.  It was wide as it was long.  Never seen them look like this on beaver.  

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