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I use USGS for information on Pomme de Terre and Stockton but have never found anything similar on Table Rock.  Is there anything out there?


I highly recommend the USACE - Little Rock App. It is something the USACE actually got right unlike their website, lol...

If you don't want to use the app, here are some other options:

Rivergages (https://rivergages.mvr.usace.army.mil/WaterControl/new/layout.cfm) - Click on Little Rock District than White River Basin then scroll down to White River at Table Rock Dam

River Gages - Table Rock Dam (https://rivergages.mvr.usace.army.mil/WaterControl/stationinfo2.cfm?sid=FORM7&fid=&dt=S). Click on Plot to see 7 day lake level graph

USACE - Little Rock Website - Table Rock Only (https://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/tabular/htm/tabrock.htm)

USACE - White River Reservoirs - Current Conditions (https://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/reports/remote/curcond.htm)

USACE - White River Reservoirs - Forecast Conditions (https://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/reports/remote/lakfcst.htm)

Jeremy Risley

District Fisheries Supervisor
AGFC Mountain Home Office - 1-877-425-7577
Email: Jeremy.Risley@agfc.ar.gov


I created a free sms "text" app that reports USGS and  Core gauge and generation values for the White River system.   

  just text g table  to get this number. 913-270-0360.  if you text just you will get a list of all the sources. also gives you quick links to the sites.  This eliminates having to install an app. 

Here's a link for more info.   https://keyholelabs.com/convo/cfswater

I fish Taney and the White a bunch, makes is quick and easy to find out current generation and schedule, especially while n the water.






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I use two different ones for Table Rock:

http://tablerock.uslakes.info/level.asp (has a nice graph of lake level over multiple years)


I also have the USCE sites for Bull Shoals and Beaver Lake bookmarked too so I can see status on how much power they are generating and if they are running any flood gates.

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