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In the past we have mostly heated with wood but I’m unable to cut but our son is cutting some.

We have Central Heat but we don’t like paying high gas bill.

I had a little Ventless Heater that I used when it got cold. I think it needs a New Thermal Coupling.

Any way my wife thought I like Fireplace so get me a Ventless Fireplace. I have a door with Dog Door in the Storm Door. I usually leave the main Door open unless it gets in the 20’s. Last night it got in the 20’s so I closed the Main Door.

This morning I woke up with a bad headache. Told my wife I think it is that Fireplace. She said well crake the window in my room.

I think I will just turn it off at night. Later on move it into the room we are adding on.



On 12/7/2021 at 9:54 AM, MrGiggles said:

Get a carbon monoxide detector if you're gonna fool around with those things. 

A lot of guys up north would fall asleep with their sunflower heater running in the fish house and never wake up. 

Yea I tried one. Nope!

Got a Buddy Heater was concerned with it but have used in in my Tent and Hunting Blind with no problem.

Bought a Gas Firepit my wife wanted to use it in the house. We are going to put a roof on Front Deck use it out there. Going to use the Fireplace in our Add On leave a window cracked.


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