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I know this was on here before, but cannot find it. 

Where can I get a soil test done here in Missouri? Just wanting to know what, if any vitamins I need to add for the best crops.




University of Missouri Extension Center in your county of residence is where I have always gone.


Local coops likely do it as well. Our local MFA does.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I took my soil samples in, Monday. They told me it will be 10 to 14 days before I get the results, so I wait.

I know my PH is good, in my test it showed from 6.8 to 7.3 in testing.

But I know the garden soil I had hauled in last year (July) is missing something. Crops after seeded or planted stuff just does not seem to want to grow much.

This spring, early March when I tilled up the ground, I added manure from Home Depot. I covered the soil with about a 1'' of manure, then,  I tilled it into the ground at least 8'' deep. 

I have had beets, carrots, spinach and onions, all seeds planted since the middle of March and they are only about 3/4'' tall. 

Beans are growing well from seed.

Asparagus and strawberries are all doing well.

Tomato's,  peppers - sweet, hot and bell, squash, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, cantaloupe, and watermelon all seem to not be growing/thriving as should be. from plants, purchased.

That is why I think the soil is missing something for sure. 

Anyone who knows something, have any suggestions?      


Sounds to like you need some nitrogen.  Mix up some miracle grow and water them.  If you can get it put a couple of inches of composst on the garden and till it in before next spring.  I even put it on my yard after aeration.

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Where did you get the tests done?  I know that the reports from MU Extension contain fertilizer recommendations, and they will also have the name and contact information of the Extension Horticulturist that serves your county.  I believe that you can also have the recommendations tailored to the specific crops you are growing.  If you are in Jefferson county as your profile suggests, your horticulture specialist is Debi Kelly.  Send her an email or give her a call - she'll get you all squared away...


JimDog, The wife took it to the MU Extension in Hillsboro. Not sure who she spoke with there. But we took 2 bags of 2 cups of soil from 6 to 8'' deep. Reason for 2 bags was that one was from the 24yards I had hauled in July for the larger garden 16'' deep and the other bag was from 2 raised beds, I did in September. Cost was $20.00 per bag.

Dutch, The mixture was Garden soil. 50% compost and 50% topsoil. I did till it in the Fall and then again on the 1st of March. Works really well. Has worms. You still think I should add more Nitrogen? 

Also worked into the soil Tomato and Vegetable fertilizer in all of the dirt.



Got the report back from the extension. Says everything is over fertilized, some high, some medium. Do not know how that can be as I used only a little bit of 5.-5.-5 when I tilled in the garden this year. I guess I needed none period. PH was high PHs 7.5, Phosphorus (P) 346.0 lbs/A - Excess, Potassium (K) 516 lbs/A - Excess, Calcium (Ca) 5253 lbs/A - High, Magnesium (Mg) 368 lbs/A - Medium. Organic matter - 11.7% 

I had the Garden soil brought in last year. Was suppose to be 50% compost and 50% bottom topsoil. 

Crap no wonder my garden is not doing well. They do not tell me how to neutralize it, just says do not fertilize, which I will not.  

If anyone here has any other good advise, would love to hear it. 

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