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Quick Trip to Big M- day after thanksgiving

Not much to report unfortunately.  I am trying to figure out how to catch fish deep so I stayed comitted to trying it with zero to show for it.  On the water at 7.  Off at 11.  WT 52-54.  Hit the main point at Viney and marked fish- also marked a mother load of shad halfway back in Viney.  Stuck with spoons, a jig, and a swimmer with no luck.  Figuring out how to stay on the fish we were marking was a real battle.  BUT it was my first time out with the new Lowrance Hook2 splitshot and I couldn’t be happier with it. In lieu of grip and grins- please see attached sonar images.   No fish but fun day trying to learn something new and using the new electronics.  

If I remember correctly- I think this is the hump right by the boat ramp at BigM-.



Halfway back in Viney- middle of the channel




Main point of Viney- fish suspended over 52 ft


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Just a quick weigh in on a very broad thread. Bass are very prone to bite artificial lures which makes it such a cash cow with so many baits to tout. Very few tourney anglers win enough to support themselves but many can exist with all the baits to sell. Tourney anglers also do a poor job on protecting the very thing that makes their living. Only on MLF is the fish release a concern. I see so many shows where a bass is tossed 3' carelessly in the water after being horsed into the boat, face pounded to remove the jig, held by the jaw for a pic, and kissed on the head. JMO

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Or the TV guru that holds the fish out of the water for what seems like forever while he bloviates on how he caught and how great he is.  I hate to say it but the Linder's are bad about that.

Actually, once you watch MLF it really stands out how poorly fish are handled on other shows.  The salt water guys do a better job overall than most I think.

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