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About Samkam1

  • Birthday September 3

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  • Location
    Springfield, MO
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Gaming, Computers, Cyber Security

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Checkered Madtom

Checkered Madtom (15/89)



  1. Octopus - 2/0 thru 5/0 depending on bait size
  2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/425997334240274/permalink/617368408436498/?pnref=story
  3. more videos to come from this last week of fishin! great info Robert! SK
  4. prefer Octopus hooks from 1/0 to 5/0
  5. any shad balls in the pockets or around the bridge at flat creek?
  6. fish with bluegill and sunnies as close to the shore/brush/submerged trees as you can.
  7. Mike Bailey http://www.beaversafari.com/
  8. Awesome fish Robert! See you on the water soon! SK
  9. PM me for any rates/pics/vids or other specifics - you'll quit fishing before he is ready to leave We catch multiple species every trip - snapper, grouper, wahoo, bonito, mackerel, barracuda, swords, but always target the monster yellow fin and blackfin in between. The fish are ON FIRE right now on the lumps - the weather is sketchy tho. http://www.peacekeepercharters.com/Home.html let him know Sam K. had you call!
  10. Tuna were out of Venice, LA - one of a few recent trips in the past couple years. Captain Peace Marvel is an outstanding charter for huge Tuna, good friend of mine - let me know if you want to take a trip down south and I will give him a heads up. The fishery out of Venice is nothing short of amazing. The two yellowfins we kept this trip were 145 & 146 lbs, my PB. The Striper was out of Beaver a couple years back, my PB so far @ 34 lbs. Still hunting for a bigger one! SK
  11. Barnetts Pawn has decent brooders usually
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