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Everything posted by Ham

  1. We had that HARD cold spell that really chilled the smaller bodies of water. Larger bodies of water take a lot longer to warm up and cool off. I wasn’t Super excited about diminishing warm water opportunities, but it’s the natural order of things so you just have to grin and bear it. With the warming trend, I had a lot of possible fishing trips in mind, but I decided to do what is likely my last Bowfin fishing of the year. I had set a goal of 10 Bowfin on fly for the year. Well, I got that done and then some so yesterday I was trying to get my 30 th bowfin on fly and get to 50 Bowfin caught on any method of hook and line (fly + spinning + bait caster + jig pole). My son took off for the Black River backwaters. I debated internally about bringing a canoe, but decided it wasn’t worth the hassle. Of course, later I wish I had brought it. First stop was the OG Bowfin Hole which overall was MUCH less productive this year. However, it was the juice on this trip. I started out with fly and in just a few casts, I was hooked up. The fly was a home crafted version on the Bass Master fly. It was noms for the bowfin. Ian drug his feet getting started, but was very effective with a 7 inch Power Worm. It pretty fun to double up and have to wrangle two Bowfin into one net. We spent less than 90 minutes at the OG. Ian had 6 and had lost another one. I had 2 and lost a third. We were both dying to get to what has been the better spot. So we bailed and made the 20 minute drive over there. well, we spent 3 hours over there trying to make it work. It did not. I got one bass. Ian got one Bowfin. I broke off on a hookset (I jerked too hard for the 15 lb fluro) and missed some bites. the second area is much larger and we gave it a full try. We went back to the OGBH to see if we could pick up another fish or two. And Boy did we. The bowfin had re-set or gotten more active or something. I was rerigging and Ian had three solid chances before I got going. He lost one trying to net it. i was using a Power Worm alongside him. I got a couple of colored up males and he got a MASSIVE 27 inch female that was just so stout. That big girl was very strong and it was a lengthy fight that I am glad he won.Here’s one of my leopards. I went back to the fly with the @billethead Saltwater Taffy WB. I was hoping for some of the non bowfin that were hitting my worm, but instead got another Bowfin. Ian really wanted a 10 Bowfin day, but lost the last good bite he had and had to settle for his third 9 bowfin day of the year. I got 32 Bowfin in the fly for the year and a total of 47 on hook and line. We ended up catching 14 bowfin on the day. Wonderful day to out and about. Saw lots of birds, but very few mammals. I hope the Bowfin over winter great and I look forward to fishing for them next Spring.
  2. Ooooh there’s stuff coming soon
  3. I’m not gonna throw the “o word” around anymore
  4. 100) Chain Pickerel i had gotten a tip about a small MDC conservation area Lake that was “loaded with Chain Pickerel”. It was close to a fall back spot if I was unable to get it done. I won’t burn the spot, but if you need to know PM me. so, I dodged a lot of deer in the way in and saw multiple vehicles that I think belonged to ppl that were hunting. it was a balmy 34 degrees when I slid the boat into the water, but I had on waders and a PFD. I had spare clothes and towels in the truck if I rolled my boat. About 10 minutes in, I had a Good take from a really nice Pickerel, but he didn’t stay hooked long. I fished a while longer and had another fish flash my fly, but not take. I tried a different fly out deeper for a while with no detected strikes. So, I switched to a Circus Peanut on my 8 weight. I was struggling to get good distance with that larger, heavier fly from a seated position and in general hating my life when the pickerel devoured my fly. He had both hooks planted. He was not coming off. Kind of a weird feeling right now. Really Happy and Really Relieved to have finished it. I’m pretty proud of doing it and I’ll always be able to say that I’m in a relatively small group of anglers that have accomplished it, but I’ve been so focused on it for so long that it feels weird that it’s done. Of course, since I had a few hours of possible fishing time after I caught my Chain Pickerel so I went to my back up spot. I caught some pretty decent Rainbow Trout that were extra feisty. And I got another Chain Pickerel, I’ve gotten crazy Lucky a few times this year. And I had a lot of help and encouragement from Dave. There was a lot of travel. Burned a lot of gas. Broke multiple fly rods. Now, I still have some fish that I’m holding a grudge against and IF I get the right chance, I’ll definitely try to force feed them a fly. I’ll get em eventually, but it’s be Fun to get em this year. Thanks for following along. I appreciate it.
  5. 100) Chain Pickerel I did it. I got my 100 th.
  6. I did not. Scrapped it.
  7. Ooops
  8. There are 100’s of drunk short guys that live for rugby (and beefing with random tall guys).
  9. that’s awesome stuff. She’s got Mad Skillz, but how did I get drug into this ?
  10. I assumed it was a Gag Grouper, but I was told that it was not. this was a grouper that my fishing partner caught. I assumed Gag On bottom in 50 foot of water. Look at the caudal fin. Flat edge.
  11. 99) Scamp Grouper So, The guide trip was on Sunday. Very successful from a multi species standpoint. Monday morning, I got up before daylight and went to a tidal creek full of hope for a Ruddy Bowfin, or Hardhead Cat, or Brown Bullhead or a Fun Micro. no Luck with any of my hopeful stuff and no micros seen. I got this nice Spotted Sunfish, but that was a repeat. them we went over to Apalachicola and I tried some fun spots with no luck at all. so, Tuesday morning I was up way before daylight and headed to Destin Harbour. parking was Fubared. The free spots were behind construction barricades. There were so spots that were $20 for 4 hours through an app for your phone, but I didn’t wanna do that. I found a No Parking Sign that had in the fine print 9A-5p for Lifeguard Parking. BINGO! I was gonna be gone before 9 AM. I walked the half mile to my fishing spot as fast as I could through loose sand. Sand sucks. I had my 6 weight and my 8 weight with me. I started with the 6 weight and the @BilletHead Saltwater Taffy Woolie on. Tide was going out and I was hoping for a Gray Snapper, Ladyfish, or Needlefish. I was throwing out and letting it settle and swing down over rocks with the current. I had not been at it long when I was engaged with a heavy fish. I was confused because it wasn’t acting like a Redfish nor a Black Drum. I put as much pressure as I dared on the Size 8 hook. I was working it in and then everything stopped. The fish had gotten down in the rocks! I went down Current over the rip rap and put pressure from a different angle and I was able to manipulate the fish free. A couple more minutes and I had a freaking grouper! There is not consensus amongst the fish nerds. One group is adamant that it is a Scamp Grouper and the other side says Gag Grouper. I’m leaning Scamp. The caudal fin of the Gag is flat and the Scamp has longer tips. The tail of this fish did not have a flat edge. The photos were pre daylight and flawed. I wanted to return the fish quickly so I got what I got. more attempts were made at kingcroakers and needlefish and Black Snappers, but it was not to be. Sitting at 99, I am suddenly less confident than ever. I know how Roger Maris felt. It’s all self imposed, but I want to get this done ASAP and return to whatever my normal life was.
  12. 98) Leatherjacket crazy little guys that are hell on smaller fish. They are quick! I lost the first one I had hooked, but ended up catching a couple. the guide stayed out an extra 30 minutes trying to help me get a Speckled Trout or Ladyfish on fly on a flat with turtle grass. I had some bites from needlefish and these guys. They have sharp spikes just ahead of their anal fin that will poke you and it is pretty painful and takes a while to feel better. Like getting stuck by a hardhead catfish.
  13. 97) Jack Crevelle we had worked our way down a beach sight fishing. We saw lots of freaked out Pompano, Jacks, Reds, Mullets, and dolphins. We even saw dolphins playing with Cannonball Jellyfish like they were pool toys, but I missed the only bite we got. The guide had a spot though. A river dumped into the gulf and redfish were stacked on The point. We caught a couple on cigar minnows and my buddy caught his second Blacktip of the day. I dropped a small tandem fly set up and got a couple of Super Pokey Pinfish and then I for my Lifer/Flyfer Jack Crevelle. I hooked on in a barbless fly and asked for a net. The fish was so small that he used the livewell Net. 😭Lol, I don’t care. It was a Baby Jack.Later I fished in Destin and got a major upgrade that pulled long and hard against an 8 weight. I tail grabbed him.
  14. That Helios is a Heck of a pole. I’m just too hard on my equipment to buy $1000 fly rods
  15. 96) Spanish Mackerel Several times we saw mixed species of gamefish giving baitfish a really hard time up on the surface. A couple of times we were literally a few seconds too late, but finally I got a decent shot and got takes. I think it took three casts before the hook grabbed one. Dang they are fast when they run stuff.
  16. 95) Pigfish So, after the Pinfish the guide had fired up the outboard, but I made another cast cos I saw more fish and was immediately rewarded with this Happy Accident.
  17. 94) Pinfish I tied up some simple flys on a size 12 trout jighead and dropped them down in the same area as the Lizard fish and was quickly rewarded with this guy. these pokey little jerks are hated by millions, but I was super Happy to get this one. the other four I caught later that day did not get me near as excited. That’s the essence of being a life lister.
  18. 93) Lizardfish desperate times call for desperate measures. We are staying with friends in Destin, Fl and he wanted to hire a guide. Twist my arm. I talked the guide and made sure that the fly fishing was gonna be ok and gave him a heads up on the quest. He was cool with the concept. So, I wanted my Buddy to catch fish first and foremost. He does not fish often and I didn’t want it to be a deal where he paid to watch me fish. So, there was live bait involved at times. We did some fishing and caught a couple. The guide went and checked a spot and decided not to fish there , but then made a short stop in a shallow pocket near the jetties. I tied on one of @BilletHead ‘s Clouser minnows that he gifted me with and in a little bit Bang! First Flyfer of the day. I got a photo upgrade this morning.
  19. 92) Blacktail Shiner Ive taken swings at catching one of these a few times this year, but I was able to get it done yesterday with @Johnsfolly on the White River. They get much larger and in some places they are the dominate minnow species. Happy to add it to the Life List.
  20. Ham

    Dam C&R access

    Like the e tire length of the Norfork River
  21. 91) Hybrid Striped Bass After a quick stop at the ditch, I went a little further to the Arkansas River looking for Blue Catfish and Striped Bass. I caught Drum, White Bass, Yellow Bass, Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Skipjack Shad. I also caught a number of odd looking White Bass with broken lines. I’ve been in this spot before and either @Johnsfolly or @FishnDave (or both) asked about the toothy patches on tongue. That time I had not looked and I still wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but I took pictures and read about it later. I’ll try to swap it out a much larger specimen if I can later. I fished through a whole lot of White Bass and the funny looking White Bass hoping for a Baby Striper. Didn’t happen so I climbed out and went home. Another 270 miles on the truck, 15 K steps, and 43 flights of stairs.
  22. #90 Blackstripe Topminnow These guy’s are unavoidable if you have a piece of worm on a small hook and are trying to catch other stuff, but are spooky and much harder to fool with a fly. Once again, I had to travel to get one. All my local water has the Blackspotted Topminnow. This one came from a ditch in Russelvillie, AR.
  23. Got em
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