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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I am very upside down with these in a fish per dollar sense. Apparently I have a weak genome when it comes to buying these. Yes, they work, but I've never seen it be the best option going. I've caught a few smallies and a few spots in them. I've caught a few crappie and a few big bluegill. I really thought I would do better on them than I have. I especially thought they were going to be hell on White Bass. I have yet to catch a White Bass on a spy bait. I am a cautionary tale on these. Save your money.
  2. Eventually, I will succumb to the allure of the glass flyrod. I have a strange desire to buy a Butter Stick.
  3. Soft plastics fished on a jighead has been around for a Long, LONG time. No one is arguing that point. If you were having the success with the Ned Rig that I am, you would not consider it to be an OK option. If you chose not to avail yourself of the generous information shared about the Ned rig, That's on you.
  4. i feel like its worth noting that the pharmacist of the bunch wanted nothing to do with getting a steroid injection.
  5. COE is working hard to make it happen
  6. I do like my trout fat, dumb, and happy BUT if they are inaccessible, its sort of a moot point.
  7. well......F me then.
  8. I hope the horse is OK
  9. A friend who enjoyed "The Revenant" recommended going back and watching "Jeremiah Johnson" and "Man in the Wilderness." He feels like Man in the Wilderness is the best of the three.
  10. Thanks Jeff. I remembered a version of that verbage, but it is very offically and purposely vague.
  11. I did not hear how long they plan on keeping the Floodgates open. Does anyone have any information about that they can share? I wondder what number they want to get down to before they will close the gates.
  12. I like Zona he just takes it too far sometimes. You're correct in that he's middle of the road as far as pimping goes. There are lots worse shows no doubt.
  13. You are somehow blind to the product placement and the endless shilling for his sponsers. Strike King this and Striike king that. Nitro, Nitro, Nitro. Thank God they have toned down the animation stuff a little.
  14. TR fishes a little more difficult than dragging a tube on GPSed rockpiles on Erie. Homeboy might have gotten spoiled by too much good intell.
  15. I guess it is my advancing age. I like Zona and Dave Mercer, but I need them cut to half strength or something. It's just too much. I need to have a squelch knob that I can adjust to limit their goofiness. I won't attempt to watch them fish together.
  16. And prices tend to stick when they go higher. The market has shown we will pay 6-8 bucks for a spinnerbait so most spinnerbaits are 6-8 bucks now. I won't need any for a while. getting the Spring BPS catalog doesn't excite me like it did 20 years ago.
  17. Ask Oneshot
  18. Do you think that Zebra mussels affected the Chief's offense?
  19. The White to the Arkansas to the Mississippi
  20. I'd just as soon the little SOB's did not establish themselves in the White River
  21. There's always that guy that sleets on your parade.
  22. Does the answer start with a "N"?
  23. I missed the part of you being from Springfield. I'm not sure in Norfork is your closest option or if Beaver is closer. Both Beaver and Norfork offer great striper fishing to those who put the work in. You might want to consider hiring a guide on either lake to put you further along the learning curve much quicker.
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