Launched in the rain and took out in the rain. Fished in constant rain inbetween.
I fished roughly 4 hours. I caught 11 bass. Of which, eight would have been legal keepers. The three non keepers were all > 13 inches. I had a 19, two 18's, and a handful of 17 inch bass. I had 4 other bass hooked. Two of those were in the 17 to 18 inch range. I missed another 5 or 6 strikes.
The best part is that I saw every strike. I caught my fish out of flooded bushes in 6-10 foot of water. The fish were really aggressive. These fish weren't sipping the baits. They were crushing them.
Water was about 65' surface. Water was very clear, but had a little dingy section next to shore from runoff. Water was obvisiously rising.
Great day. I think I like fall fishing on these lakes more than spring fishing.