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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I’d love to live closer and fish that area. I could spend a bunch of time at Mingo, Duck, and the spillways of both the lakes you mentioned, but I’m not like everybody else.
  2. I would love that Pumpkinseed!
  3. Same here! The dogs can’t stay upright walking on it. That likely means a person has minimal chance of being successful.
  4. Great day to work from home
  5. Yeah, but you can’t fish that well off the top of a submarine
  6. I wish you could have marketed that idea. You’d have retired years ago and could show me how to properly fish the Arkansas River
  7. I did for a long time. I’d bet I’m the only guy excited to use it for Bowfin.
  8. the graph rides with the black box when not deployed. This will ride in the cab with me and in general get babied a lot. I’m not in a hurry to have to replace anything.
  9. I went with the Fishing Specialties Bowducer for my transducer pole. Lots of guys make versions at home less expensively with PVC and left over parts and pieces. I had neither the time nor the inclination for all that. I wanted a reliable product that would perform well. I have seen this mount in use and felt like it was the best option for me. the depth of the transducer can be optimized. The handle telescopes out a few more inches. I have my handle inline with the transducer to be an easy visual on where the transducer is pointed. close up of how it attaches to the pole. I was interested in FFS only. There are options if you are going to use the other modes. an old Bass Pro bait caster glove is going to be my travel cover for the transducer.
  10. using a Scotty Mount with a 2.25 inch ball. To Mount graph on top of box. The graph will come off for travel. The arm rides in the box with graph.
  11. Here’s the Black Box and the battery adapters. They are mounted with stainless steel hardware and lock washers.
  12. here’s the batteries. Bought as this combo off Amazon. Time will tell if they last at all. Charges two at a time. I will be running two batteries in parallel and I’m hoping for 6 hours of actual run time from each “set”
  13. Patience is a virtue. It’s pretty darn cold and I have a job. I will update with pictures. to me, The Point of this thread was to express my appreciation to Les for all his help. If anyone else benefits from pictures of my setup, that’s lagniappe.
  14. Well, I had gotten to use CheaterScope (TM) fishing with Les, and Johnny and @LittleRedFisherman and another friend not on the Forum. I knew it offered HUGE advantages for crappie fisherman and other anglers too, but I drug my feet because of the cost. well another hugely successful crappie trip and a Black Friday deal from Bass Pro make me go to the dark side. I had ideas of how I wanted to do my version. I wanted to mainly use it in Waldo and I wanted it to be completely portable so that I did not tie into existing power sources on the boat and I wanted to be able to remove it if I did not want it onboard. @grizwilson is my turn to guy for innovative solutions. I borrowed heavily from his experience and I was able to get a kinfolk deal on a 9 inch Garmin since he was upgrading. I got Les to meet me today and we put the system together and then tested in from a dock in Taneycomo. I’m soooo Happy to have gotten this done. I’ll use it for the first time next week. It should have been pretty straight forward, but sometimes my stuff gets sideways. Very relieved that it’s all worked out and functioning well. I will install the Fishing Specialties Bowducer Mount very soon and I’ll update the thread with pictures. I can’t express my Thanks to Les enough. Thanks Buddy !!!
  15. Nice Boat Bill. I’d love to have it. I’d need to sell the BassCat first and I drug my feet doing that.
  16. Sometimes 12 Billion dollars just isn’t enough.
  17. The water level fluctuations that BSL goes through eliminate the possibility of aquatic vegetation. Because of the lack of aquatic vegetation, there are HIGH levels of fry predation by the omnipresent Longear Sunfish and Green Sunfish. High water in Springtime (>665) helps all the young of them year, but in general the estimates I have read about say there are less than 30% naturally produced walleye in Bull Shoals.
  18. I didn’t know about this program.
  19. Yellow Bass are a cool little native fish. Weird when they get moved around. AGFC takes a rather dim view of them.
  20. So many magical fish!
  21. That’s a really Pretty Spotted Bass John. I had forgotten about him. I’m appreciative of the ones you were able to catch and embarrassed that I caught the Ozark Madtom and the only Skipjack we saw. I really enjoyed our trip. I wish we could fish together a few times a year.
  22. You assume too much. I keep a few Skipjack for cutbait. I haven’t created piscatorial alchemy to the tune of 50 lbs, yet. We have caught bowfin, channel cats, and blues.
  23. I’d bet they are available within a certain driving range. I’m about 2 hours away from the nearest ones to me. Use the same gear that you bluegill / Redear fish with and you will be surprised how sporty they can be. Tandem crappie jigs or small Swimbaits.
  24. They are a really fun fish if caught on appropriate gear. These are jumbos and can and do break you off even when I pushed leader up to 10 lb fluro.
  25. Oh yeah, there are guys with commercial licenses that catch them for resale too. Guys are catching them for catfish bait.
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