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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Looks like about 3.5 oz or so
  2. TenkaraBum.com
  3. Oh Merry Christmas to me! My wife got me the Nissin Starter Kit win a 360 cm 6:4 rod from TenkaraBum. Boy is it light. Minnows and tiny fish beware! I'm coming for you! I am concerned that if I accidentally tangle with something too large I could snap the rod. I'm super excited. I'll keep y'all posted.
  4. While I fully understand that photographs add to a trip report and I enjoy seeing them myself, I do not understand the repeated implication that people that don't have photographs that document their trip are dishonest. The "pics or it didn't happen" attitude is not justified in any sense. The reader is not owed anything and the people that chose to post aren't obligated in any way to supply you content. I had a very successful year in 2015. I made a lot of really fun trips. I have chosen to post a lot less fishing reports because of crappy people and their crappy attitudes. I guess those trips didn't happen because I didn't post a trip report complete with lots of pretty pics.
  5. Stockton isn't big enough to make me die on a spot that isn't producing. If Googer wasn't going, I would have been back over on the State Park side trying to duplicate 12/21. Just sayin.
  6. Welcome to Table Rock. The Humbler of Men
  7. Ours is a fallen world. I for one am not at all sure that electing the AGFC comissioner would make things better. I do want decisions to be based onthe best available science, but even the science can be flawed. It isn't wrong to consider the desires of the fishermen and business owners as part of the decision making process, but it is wrong to give landowners and businessmen the final say. I don't really have a dog in the striper fight. I like catching them from time to time, but pursuing them is not going to be a passion of mine. I'll just stick to swinging a stick on smallies Thank You very much.
  8. Lol, I was going to suggest buying 200 jig heads with an 120/80 split, but I didn't want to scare him off. I usually lose 4 or 5 on a 10 hour day, but here's what happens to me. I go fishing with someone who has zero Ned rig gear and I'm not the kind of person that is going to wear the fish out on the Ned rig while they all but zero with conventional gear. I generally set them up with my best rod and reel and provide the jigheads and the zinkers. Naturally, they are going to lose a few jigheads during the day. So, I give a lot of jigheads away. And I keep a creek bag ready at all times AND I have a few jig heads stashed in my boat as an absolute emergency backup. PLUS once he see's how good this deal is, he's gonna want more than the firstlet's say 25 jigheads he orderes.
  9. Not that fishing trumps everything, but ALL of us have limited days to fish. take advantage of your opportunities to fish with friends and family while you can. I've never heard anyone say I wish I had fished less with my Dad or my brother or my friends.
  10. Do yourself a HUGE favor 176, go back and read some of the Ned threads. Take the basic setup as gospel. Dave spent a lot of time (and money) working out details so you don't have to. Buy some of his heads 1/16 and 1/8 oz. Now, I would suggest 66 of the 1/16 oz and 34 of the 1/8 oz, but you might not be willing to jump in with both feet. So, buy however many you're comfortable with. Go get some Zeros and/or Zinkers. Start with Green Pumpkin, PB & J, Dirt, and whatever wild card color you want. Other stuff will work. Play with that stuff later. Buy these first, learn with these, they absolutely will work everytime. Get the Loctite Gel glue in the blue/gray bottle. It is the best glue going, but you'll learn some tricks with it too. That could be a whole different thread. Use a minimal amount. Squeeze very gently and try hard not to get it on your fingers or near your mouth (don't snip your line with your teeth). It will glue wet things together! Doesn't stick to greasy things as well so you'll need something different for your viennas. Cut the Zinkers in half or as close as you can get. Thread the Zinkers chunk on the jig heads as straight as possible. Glue carefully. Don't mix elaztech with regular plastics. I'm the radical that throws in on Nanofil with a leader. Others use braid with leader or Seaguar Inviz X 6 lb line. Plain old mono will work, but the other stuff is better. If you have a drop shot spinning rod or a ML spinning rod, you're all set. Dave has suggested rods, but I bet you have what you need already. Go out as soon as you can post monsoon, throw it in 10-25 FOW. Let it fall on a completely slack line. Watch your line. If it jumps, remove slack and sweep set. If not, remove slack once it hits bottom and gently lift to see if a fish has it. IF Yes, sweep set. Lather, rinse, repeat. Slow is better than fast. Shake it in place. Slow drag. Lift and drop. Whatever you want. But slow is better than fast and slack on the drop is a must. you are at the doorstep of catching a lot more fish and having a golden ticket for when power fishing techniques are not working. You need not ever zero again. Good Luck and Merry Christmas from Dave by proxy.
  11. Ham

    Mid Lake Report

    Good Job TFR! The 3 year old probably was happy with your efforts as well.
  12. Ham


    While I've never caught anything approaching that size, I've caught some of the biggest bluegill of my life on Bull Shoals and Norfork. I have tried to target them a little with mixed results.
  13. I certainly will. If I get addicted, I'll have to try to help others get addicted as well.
  14. most likely part of a crawfish craw. I'm confident everything will work its way out given a little time.
  15. Man, 4 foot rollers = trailer to a creek arm. I agree with the concept of quitting when you aren't having fun, but that's never, ever happened to me after 2 hours. Good for me that I'm safely stuck at work. No chance my dumb butt could be out there fighting a BAD wind.
  16. QB, your fish needed a piscatorial proctologist. Did you help him out?
  17. Yes Sir, It certainly will. I have seen trout get picky about color SOMETIMES, so it doesn't produce that day, try another jig, but give that one another try later. The preferred color varies day to day if not hour to hour. That's a good looking color though and should work most of the time.
  18. Ham


    Bull Shoals doesn't seem to have a lot of Bluegills, but the ones I catch are large. I assume that it is a lack of habitat that favors bluegill. Lots of Lomgear Sunfish and in some areas Green Sunfish, but I've never found areas that have lots of bluegills.
  19. I hope that I have one coming as a Christmas gift. I'm looking forward to using it in 2016.
  20. I'm a round bend guy
  21. Smalliebiggs, have you taken the time to write a polite letter to Spro with your experiences and your concerns. They may ask you to return the baits for them to do a post mortem exam on, but likely they would replace the dead ones.
  22. Fluor is heavier than water. It sinks. Jerkbait fishermen go away from Fluor on jerkbaits when the water gets cold and you really have to slow down because the Fluor will take the jerkbaits to the bottom if you wait long enough.
  23. Yuk! Triple grips
  24. 45 posts in and our thin skinned fellow is calling us out for not being helpful enough. Wow.
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