River smallmouth are exceedingly easy to catch.
What do you like to fish? Fish that and you will catch them.
Topwater baits. Yep those will work. Walk the dog baits, poppers, prop baits, and anything else you like.
Crankbaits are fun. Yep, smallies eat those too. Small ones, big ones, shallow ones, and deep running ones. They all work.
Soft plastics on leadheads. Now that's fun stuff. tubes, Yep. Grubs, yep. Lizards, yep. Worms, yep. Wacky rigged, yep. Dropshotted, yep. Texas rigged or on an exposed hook, yep and yep. Watermelon, Green pumpkin. Watermelon/red, black/red, pumpkinseed, June Bug. yep,yep,yep,yep,yep,yep.
Spinnerbaits. Not my bag, but yep.
Jerkbaits, yep. Rooster tails, yep, Spoons, yep.
The river is still WAY TOO HIGH to fish successfully. When it is at its normal levels, I fish baits that work well in higher current. I always let water color and amount of sunlight dictate what I color soft plastic or hard bait I choose first. If the smallies don't eat it often enough to suit me, I try something different.