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Everything posted by Ham

  1. How fishable is Taneycomo in a 25-35 MPH wind?
  2. Hey Man, PM me your cell phone number and I'll text you all my fishing photos on the phone I'm using now OK?. Other photos died with the phone they were on. I have a hundred or so on my home PC. I guess I could email you some of those so include an email addy as well. I don't take a LOT of fishig pictures, but I make a lot of fishing trips so I end up with a picture or two. I do freely talk about the White River. I talk more often in general terms about BSL which I have openly whined about mostly kicking my butt this year. I tell my friends about my creek trips, but almost never post a trip report on those because 1) I don't want to bring extra people where I fish. Call me paranoid if you want to, but I hate to fish behind other people. 2) It simply isnt necessary for anyone to do trip reports. Ozark smallmouth are the same as they have been for thousands of years. When the water is warm, they bite a lot. a lot of baits and a lot of bites. They're very aggressive because they have to be to survive. They pull hard and are a ton of fun to catch, but in a small stream it isn't difficult at all to catch them. I actually had an oppurtunity to a TV show that was a Ozark smallie float on the stream of my choice and I opted not to do it because I didn't want to bring extra pressure on the creeks I love. The ego stroke wasn't needed and extra people fishing where I fish IS NOT a good thing. The guy that does the show is a good guy, but. I honestly would be glad to post more pictures, but I can seem to figure out how to do it very easily. Maybe someone can tutor me. And In all honesty, there are LOTS of guys that are better fishermen than I am. I'm better than some, but that's about all I would claim. The numbers thing is just a game I play to compare one year to the next. Nothing more. Thanks for the comparison to Al though.
  3. The reels seem to fit tight enough, but over time the screw on locking ring eases backwards and the reel gets loose. It is very obvious when you're setting the hook or reeling the fish in. fisninwrench had it right. Bill's idea might still work though. I Knew you guys would have good ideas. I'm gonna try some of them head to head IF I get to go Thursday.
  4. I've noticed my spinning reels work themselves loose as I fish with them. The more I fret about it the worse it becomes and the more distracted I am by it. So, I'm looking for a way to secure the reel seat "nut" so it does slowly back off on its own. I thought I would use the blue Thread Lock, but the fine print says NOT to use it on plastic and I don't want to make an aggravation an actual problem. I hate to put elctrical tape on it, but I will IF I have to do so. This seems to be happening with all of my trout rods. My crappie spinning rods are Tenessee handles with tape. My drop shot / grub rods have a locking down fore grip so they seem immune to this (so far). My spinning rods that I use with tubes and other bass jigs get less cast and the bait is worked slower and I don't really seem to be having an issue with them, but they are All Star rods with a plastic nut tighening down from front to back rather than reer to front. Somebody has solved this annoyance. Please share your secret.
  5. It really does look a wonderful oppurtunity for folks to take advantage of. It didn't look like Tim Horton was having to do ANYTHING. He just fished and had a good time.
  6. Good Luck John! I haven't caught a local bass that big since moving up here. Rivr Redhorse Sucker (6) and Largemouth Bass (7) 1/26
  7. Very Nice. That looks like a sweet deal. I hope he gets a lot of interest in his trips.
  8. I'm done fishing above Kyle's Landing. You'll catch fish and you know it isn't a fishing trip, but a family trip where you're gonna fish a little bit.
  9. At some point, I'm going to have to do a minimum flow trip at night in kayaks. Maybe this summer.
  10. I fished the White River. I caught 121 fish including two decent Largemouth Bass. I'm anxious to get back on Bull, but I waiting for the spring thaw.
  11. Hey Brett, the road into Rim was fine, but kinda lonely. I was the only truck at the landing. how can that be? The White is a bass river that primarily supports trout now because of the cold water releases from the dams. It isn't perfect for trout and it's marginal for bass at this point. I think all the little creeks support warm water fish and there are lots of little creeks and a few major creeks and waterways. It's a kinda random deal, but I'll take it. A nit picking side note, I caught 10 on the 1/8 oz Zig Jig then picked up the 1/16 oz. somewhere in the mix I threw the 1/8 oz in some deeper water and picked up another on the 1/8 oz jig. I broke off on what would have been number 118 so 117 - 11 1/8 oz fish = 106. I've caught > 50 fish on a jig before, but I've hung up and broken off on the first cast with a new jig as well. They are hand tied and sometimes a jig will fall apart. A drop of superglue on the wrappings will take care of that, but I usually just roll the dice.
  12. I took advantage of the warm weather to make a quick trip to the White. Minimum flow and more wind that I wanted, but I knew the weather that was coming and I am desperate to fish. I fished Rim Shoals. I never got out of sight of the boat ramp. I fished for less than six hours total. There was a really good bite on, but the wind did make it more difficult. I started with an 1/8 oz Zig jig on my first drift. I caught 10 fish on it and it was definitely easier to throw and stay in touch with. On my second drift, I tried a 1/16 oz Zig Jig on 4 lb P line CX using a new St Croix 6'6" UL rod. I didn't think the St Croix was quite as good as my Dorber OMT 84 UL, but having said that I caught fish on 4 of my first 5 casts with it. I need to give it a chance when the wind isn't blowing so hard. It was pretty clear the trout were eating the 1/16 oz jig better. I had some reel issues with my St Croix so I transferred the 1/16 oz jig to my OMT rod and got to work. Grass beds continue to develop and the trout seem to like them a lot. Trout also like high current areas with larger rock. I made multiple runs from the upper boundary of the C&R area down to the first island. Catching decent numbers of fish with each drift. I ended up catching 121 fish. I added Largemouth Bass to my list of species caught.. I had a couple of pretty nice Browns amped some smaller ones too. But mainly I had dozens and dozens of Rainbows. I caught 106 fish on that one 1/16 oz Zig Jig. I broke it off on what would have been number 118. I guess you have to retie every 50 fish or so. Nice trip.
  13. I'm so ready. I may fish today. I have made six trips this month but despite that...i'm desperate to get out. I'm really, really ready to for the White Bass run, for bass pre spawn thru spawn, for panfish in May, for creek fishing, for a trip to the Mississippi river, catfish, Stripers, carp, and maybe even some night fishing. So ready.
  14. I love my Bass Cat. No knock on the other boats. I'm sure they're great boats as well. You owe it to yourself to check out Bass Cats before you buy. I bought a lightly used Bass Cat summer of 2010. I'll likely never buy brand new.
  15. Ham

    Where To Start?

    That's funny and sad at the same time.
  16. I've read the reports about mono having a shelf life also, but my experience with line stored inside out of sunlight is that it lasts a LONG time. I change out mono frequently on my reels, but I have bulk mono and copoply that is over a decade old and it seems as good as the day it was extruded. your milage may vary, but I have no concerns about the age of bulk mono and copoly.
  17. There are guys that do a ton of modification on their yaks and are happy about it. I keep mine more minimal than a lot of guys, but I'm only usuing my yak in creeks. For ME, there is NO need for a depth finder/ fish locator. I do like my Scotty rod holder mounted front and center. I have a 2003 Tarpon 120 that is battle scarred, but fully functional. Lately, I have been using the anchor cleat that came with the boat. I have a 3 pound dumbell tied to a heavy braided cord that I'll roll off the boat so that I can wade and fish an area w/o concerns about the boat drifting away. It's not a traditional anchor more like a parking brake for LOW current areas.
  18. If I had seen bait < 50 FOW, I would have dropped spoons on it until I knocked one in the head. I couldn't even find bait. I like the Buck creek area. It's not real handy for me to get to from where I live and I really wish there was a better boat ramp on the south side of the lake there, but I've never done as well in Trimble as I would expect to do. I tend to like the creeks and drains on the north dise of the lake on that area better. One thing I have learned, there can be too much bait, Sometimes the shad kill is so pronounced that you can't buy a bite. I have to leave that area usually for water with more color before I can get bit. Hanging around real clear water with a massive shad kill is a good way to zero.
  19. Indeed, it does Rick. I want everyone I fish with to be successful. I'll help if I can and I'm glad to learn what I can from the people I fish with.
  20. I don't think the presence of lampreys indicates anything. Remember that there will times of year where there are Zero adult lamprey in the entire river system. Trout hold just about everywhere. It's just not that difficult to find them.
  21. The reviews that I have read on the KVD rods is that they were over priced and heavy. One quote was that they should be priced in the $80 range. At $60, you'd probably be OK with it.
  22. So the guy that was a BASS "Pro" that read my fishing reports on the Red River and asked me to buy some maps, mark them with my favorite fishing spots, and then mail them to him at which time he would reimburse me for the money I was out would fall into your "bold" category?
  23. I was hoping for pictures of BIG Brown trout. Maybe next time.
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