To borrow a line from Forrest Gump, "I'm Not a Smart Man". I always have multiple options for a fishing trip. Today I chose to drive about 7 hours to fish for 3 1/2 hours. I was trying for a Lifer and maybe a species or two for "The Push".
The Good was that I caught fish right away. I was turning down opportunities trying to get that Lifer.
The Bad, I did not get the Lifer. I tried. I tried hard. It was Hot. I stayed with it, but it just did not happen. Yet. It will.
the Ugly, way too much driving and not near enough actual fishing. If you haven't micro fished you probably think that it is easier than conventional fishing. If you think that, you are mistaken. I do both ; I can tell you micro fishing is lots more difficult and more frustrating.
I am getting much better at catching darters. I am getting much better at not wasting time on the water. I am getting much better at bait management. All those improvements still wasn't enough to overcome the flood tide of non targeted darters ( ie the Rainbow scourge).
So, I had another adventure with highs and lows. A little bit of a saving grace, but frustrated none the less.
lots of pics to follow