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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Lol, I didn't think there was a photo, but Cool!
  2. No parent wants to outlive their child. I'm Sorry for your loss of course and I hope you continue to heal. Good Luck with the Redfish!
  3. Catch any catfish ?
  4. That a big Streamer thing is an addiction that I am Glad I don't share. A whole lotta sore arms and shoulders for an occasional BIG fish. I am sure that the fish run larger on average than jig fish and I know you guys are having fun doing your thing, but I'm going to leave those streamer fish for you guys. I'm not jumping into that game.
  5. I had a theory I could catch my share on artificials cos I hate worm dirt under my finger nails, but after Jeff had 9 fish and I had not had a bite, I decided to use worms
  6. FWIW, I added Striped Shiner, Creek Chub, Longear Sunfish, and Green Sunfish to the flyrod list. I expect I'll catch all of them again. Pretty sure that puts me at 15 with an original goal of 25
  7. We may have to phone a friend on the Notropis mysterious but I guess Telescope shiner
  8. I appreciate you coming out to fish with me John. I know part of the appeal was the chance to add a few species and get closer to 100 for the year (and a lifer!) , but I appreciate you driving 6 plus hours to have <4 hours actual fishing time nonetheless. I wish it been 4 days instead of 4 hours. I still have a lot to learn about micro fishing and I enjoy learning with you. I enjoyed it very much and I added a couple of species to my total. With the time we had and the flow conditions on area rivers, I feel like we made the right call I wish the flow rate had been a little lower. I wish I had gotten you on a couple more species. I think the fish were there, we just didn't have any more time.
  9. 64) Wedgespot Shiner ( Notropis maybeius) John and I got to spend a little time on the water. It was a micro trip in multiple ways. fairly productive for John, but I'll let him detail that out. I hope one day we live within 6 hours of each other again.
  10. Tank Redspotted!
  11. Lifer Black Bullhead? Wow, location is key. I'm still looking for Lifer Brown Bullhead and you kinda take those for granted since you've got spots nailed down.
  12. Old Johnny Boy has pics and stories to post.
  13. Going to be a long jerkbait summer on the White. I'm going to fish the White below Batesvillie in Waldo this summer. I'm not sure how much I will truly learn because this summer is going to be so atypical, but I am counting on catching a pile of fish and likely 15 species or more.
  14. Well Dave, 1) You've got the extra hoop of it has to be caught on a flyrod to jump through 2) it's Not a competition. I want to see everyone succeed ; I'm not trying to beat anyone. I just want to catch 100 ( or a lot more) species of fish this year.
  15. I owe @LittleRedFishermana better trip. The fish were scattered snd I've been so busy chasing species that I wasn't really dialed in on them. We had some quality fish and some quality time.
  16. That's Awesome taking those Boys fishing.
  17. 63) Yellow Bullhead ; I wanted it to be a Brown Bullhead, but it's just a cool looking Yellow Bullhead. This old warrior fought hard and is my PB Yellow Bullhead.
  18. There's dinosaurs but no Gators (I hope)
  19. I wish I had a feel for how difficult it is to catch a 2 lber at that lake. Zig Jig Man and I are talking about busting a road trip one April
  20. I saw probably 8 snakes. 2 cottonmouth, one black snake, I had big water snakes dropping out of trees. I had one snake that I gently tapped with my rod tip so that he didn't crawl over my feet. I'll visit again sometime and see more snakes for sure
  21. That's fair
  22. We've got both kinds of Music, Country and Western.
  23. Short answer: Yes. My fishing wanderlust did not start with my desire to grow my lifelist. I want to fish everywhere for everything. You know I'm trying to catch a fish in every state in the US. I've threatened myself with the idea of catching a fish in every county in the state of Arkansas. I actually stumbled into this spot looking for places to catch crappie on a jig pole. So, this has turned out to be a really cool multi-species oasis for me, but that was pure serendipity. I've had at least as many misses and misadventures trying to find new spots (and lately new species) as I have had success. It's awesome when It works out.
  24. I think he's warming to the task. He had Good results last road trip so I think we can convince him to do more.
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