The fish are definitely more active than a week ago. Good for you catching some! I'm sure it was a stress reliever.
I like to keep a flyrod in my vehicles to always be ready to grab some casts whenever the situation presents itself. Your afterwork foray was very successful in my opinion. I would be tempted to make it a nearly daily diversion.
Rockbridge is an interesting place. I took my two sons there for a two-day trip over thirty years ago when they were just starting to fly fish. The first day we fished the catch-and-keep area and the second day the catch-and-release area. I primarily was the coach on both days. They ended up with a cooler full of fish, the cost of which is long forgotten, but the memories of their excitement remain with me.
That is quite the mixed take! Congratulations on your day! I always enjoy days like this when I'm not sure what will be taking my fly. As I've only ever caught one, I'm not very familiar with the chain pickerel (which I believe is what the two pike like fish you have pictured would be, I will stand corrected by anyone more knowledgeable). The one and only chain pickerel I caught was in the upper Current River.