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Everything posted by kwall

  1. That's from a person who has a mental disorder -- or bad kids -- sickening to see that type of mutilation going on -- -- "dirt " 35 back at ya' Stockton is one of the most beautiful lakes in Missouri I've ever fished and is a great fishery "dirt" you need to realize you have some real intellectually ignorant, backward thinking idiots living around there just as I do around where I live --- just hoping it doesn't continue and it was from an idiot that drug his fish off from a stringer
  2. The fisheries dept. folks are doing a fabulous job with the walleye on Beaver -- my bet is it will become as good as Bull Shoals one day
  3. I'm heading to Bull next week for those eyes , glad to hear they are biting -- thanks for the help Mike
  4. I'm heading to Bull next week for those eyes , glad to hear they are biting -- thanks for the help Mike
  5. Don't take this the wrong way -- please turn the muskies back , only lake I know of that has any this far south --- take lots of pictures , they are very territorial so there is a good chance you can enjoy the fight agin
  6. Ha' ha' -- got me a few on Beaver last weekend along with some keeper walleyes , fried up those bass as soon as I got home , just as tasty as walleye in my opinion , Stockton bound this comming weekend , woohoo!
  7. MURDERER !!!!!
  8. Try jig and crawler 20-25ft retrieve slowly like you would for crappie
  9. I'm just glad that Stockton have enough BIG bass that I can throw the small walleye back , -- the bigg'ens eat the best cause there's way way more meat than a scrawny little ol' walleye that most keep --- just a thought , keep more bass and throw back those little eyes so they can get big like the bass ???????
  10. This post cracks me up --- Bass guys are so predictable, throw back the big bass -- but keep a big walleye , lol Bass are some great eating-- chunk them up and throw those tourney winning fish in hot oil is great , lol
  11. Glad to hear Stockton is producing some nice sized eyes this year , thanks for throwing some back -- wish the MDC would move the length up to 16" next year so we could catch bigger ones all year long
  12. Just wonder you BASS guys why is it almost a sin to keep big bass and ok to keep a big walleye? As for me I practice catch and release in hot oil
  13. Great to hear your report Mike , the wife and I are ready to get into the walleye - heading to BSL to fish the last week of May
  14. Dutch, you sure you didn't get that eye at Bull Shoals , Pomme don't have any eyes like that
  15. kwall


    Yep, I put a lock on mine , to keep my trailer from getting stolen , never thought about anyone flipping a latch -- must be kids messing around I was able to put in at RB , the wife beat me as usual she caught 15 or so LMBs with 2 of them over 15" , numorus blue gills and a nice 15" walleye , I caught 5 fish with one being a 14" LMB and one 17" eye which I released doing the ol' flip him in the boat method which allowed him to fall back in the lake after hitting the side of the boat , lol -- the wife still said it didn't count --- nice fall day to be out
  16. kwall


    Thanks for the help, think Orleans is the place for me to put in this weekend
  17. kwall


    How about , RB in Stockton ? wanted to put in there this Sat.
  18. Eyes , on the flats and points use crawler harnesses, jigs tipped with crawler or minnow and troll cranks -- 15 to 25 ft of water -- you should catch lots of short fish with an occasional keeper thrown in
  19. 9lb, I think an option is raise the length limit 1" a year for next 2 years -- I catch mostly keepers early in the season, I belive the keepers rarely make it back to the water as the season progresses , I understand its hard to throw back such a tasty fish but if MDC did I think there would be more and better fish in just a few short years
  20. kwall


    I learned by hire'in guides on many area lakes(Stockton,Bull,Beaver) and some adjoining states lakes also-- I have to say they have been worth every penny cause now I can catch them any where I go that has a fishable population --
  21. kwall


    My gripe is --- I could care less if these idiots hurt themselves anymore, but it seems to me that their idiot ways almost always hurt the innocent ones next to them minding the law and there own buissiness and this goes with any activity -- cell phone texting on the roads being another example as well as the boating you guys mentioned , Double GRRRrrrrrr!!
  22. Went out myself and it sure was a nice cool , calm AM for July -- wish I could say I had the same experience with the fishing -- seen lots of shad and fish but only caught one 13" kbass
  23. This is my approach to the inconsiderate ones out there --- go on and go nuts and wear yourselves out on the weekend , I'll just stay out of your way and leisurely catch my Jacksalmon early in the morning
  24. Isn't there a bass problem on Beaver Lake? herd they may change regs cause of to many little Kentuckies
  25. Ps-- Aldrich is a good area from what I have herd River Angler man , and post a pick of some of those cats when you get some
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