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Greasy B

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greasy B

  1. I say why not, don't we already forfeit large sections of our waterways to the loud and obnoxious. Our society doesn't value peace and tranquility, we look at our waterscapes as playgrounds for idiots and we even admire those who turn them into amusement parks. As for regulations... we all know that's a bad word. When I'm an old man I think I'll give up all public water and spend my time trespassing on tiny creeks. I'd just as soon take my chances with gun toting, paranoid red necks. If they want to kill an old man with a fly rod I'll accept that fate.
  2. Prettiest boat on the river.
  3. Tanycomo has a few areas where you need to be careful but it's a fine place start you boating career. When I read your post I cracked up recalling the first time I rented boat with a motor. I made it a couple of hundred yards and smacked a rock. I limped back to the dock with a mangled prop. These days I feel much safer in my boat than I do driving or doing most anything. My advice would be to just do and don't worry too much.
  4. It's important to remember that the flood plain is the river, water only occupies that portion of the channel occasionally. Do you remember when we used to hear about all the flooding damage in Arnold? After years of self inflicted damage the club house communities were bought out. Shouldn't this be the model for addressing self inflicted flood damage? https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1515-20490-2529/mo_buyoutreport.pdf
  5. Let's hope management doesn't try to improve the stream bed.
  6. Greasy B

    What's Cooking?

    Maybe but after 30 years and 6-8 kettles all with legs falling off including the one now in my back yard I'd be a fool to by any more Webers. Think I'm going to go with one of the Kamado's.
  7. Greasy B

    What's Cooking?

    Of course you can't cook worth a darn on a Weber because the cheap posterior legs are always falling off.
  8. Both boats can be ordered with factory installed oars. The supreme boats don't have much rocker or have no rocker at all. The Shawnee has a great deal of rocker, I've never rowed one but I'd bet you could spin it on a dime.
  9. Wasn't too long ago 38 had some big Bluegill and Redears. Seems they got a little smaller every year. Even though I cant remember ever seen a real effective pan fisher on it it may have been picked clean.
  10. That area has been on my long list for years. Now you have me all excited, wish I had more time off.
  11. Like tornadoes floods are a natural event on a horrific scale. My heart Goes out the those who lost life and property. These situations bring up many questions and a few comments, I guess I'll play the devils advocate. Please except my apology if anyone is offended. What role do the local authorities play in clearly defining possible flood areas? What role can they play when any swale or low area can become a river? Forget the COE, their flood plain designations are useless when year after year levels rise to heights never seen. Isn't well past the time when public officials need to put as much effort into educating and warning drivers to not drive through water to the same level they warn the public of tornadoes? What responsibilities do property owners have to pay for the damages or to clean up the debris that their property caused? If I built a home overlooking a public road would I be responsible if my poorly located home tumbled down on the road? If I build a home over looking a river would I be responsible when my poorly located home tumbled into the river? Why don't we accept wise zoning and construct standards that would surely minimize property damage? Why don't those who advocate for minimum government intrusion into our lives also advocate for the tax payers who are footing the bills for clean up?
  12. Depending on how long ago it was and what your idea of a fishing trip should be you might disappointed. Paydown is a beautiful area but the volume of recreational power boat traffic on weekends is horrendous.
  13. Yes the do matter very much. Bluegill are a perfect example, the behavior of junior males with inferior genetics jumping in a nest after the bull has be taken is well documented. Coppernose in Stockton? Wonder who thought that was a good idea?
  14. Looks like all the central Ozark rivers got a good bump the other day. Upper Niangua might drop a little faster than the others, flow will be strong, be careful.
  15. You LOZ guys should be commended. That's a lot of great advice for a new member and third times poster, not a bit of BS. One piece of advice that may not have been obvious; keep all your gear locked up at all times. The folks on this forum are generous but there are a lot of scoundrels who will steal your gear in a minute.
  16. I whole heartedly agree. It's not worth investing time and emotions into only to realize you've put your faith in fools, liars and theives. I'm going to focus my efforts on family and friends, and in finding Bluegill beds.
  17. Yep, I once made the mistake of launching at the ramp just up from lookout one time. Even when the weathers bad there are way too many fishermen up there.
  18. Not sure about temperature but in a couple days we'll have the first spawning moon. If the warm weather we're having now would hold its prime time. Unfortunately a cool down and rain are in the forecast.
  19. https://archive.org/details/Henry_Schoolcrafts_1818_Ozark_Journal I printed out a copy put it in a binder then read it while staying in a cabin on Buffalo River a few years back. I would recommend having a copy of the Missouri and Arkansas Gazetteer with you so you can track his path.
  20. It's a great read and you can get a free pdf online.
  21. Barring more heavy rain a couple of weeks from now would be a great time for a headwaters float. I would be careful taking inexperienced floaters. Strainers, log jams and blind corners can be dangerous.
  22. Jets and props both have limitations, as long as you understand how to prevent a jet from vacuuming up weeds and gravel I'd say it is the preferred choice. Our Shawnee is going strong at eighteen years old, we're contemplating an upgrade to a new boat with all the best features but something tells me I'll miss the old boat. I'm looking forward to see how you outfit your new boat.
  23. Bummer, I guess fish that only know how to live in a concrete trough don't have the sense to find their way back to the river.
  24. There is a book called Colossus, it's the story of the Hoover Dam. There were I lot of short sighted design flaws built into the original design. I highly recommend it. Fontenelle dam is Wyoming is another one that should scare the bejesus out of the folks downstream.
  25. The most popular pick up line in a Granite City bar, Hi, I like your tooth. The second most popular pick up line in a Granite City bar, Hey, your kind of cute, you got all your teeth. If you ask me how I know this I'll have to lie.
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