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Greasy B

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greasy B

  1. I didn’t know either of those places were still open. Maybe the world isn’t going to hell in a hand bag.
  2. If the cows are standing up the fish will bite. There is actually some truth to this so maybe it’s not a superstition.
  3. That looks like so much fun, every time I watch one of your videos I ask myself why am I not doing that? Thanks.
  4. Greasy B

    Sad story

    Fall arrest systems for fixed ladders are now common in industry. Combined with a fixed lifeline, a fall decelerator and an appropriate harness it easy to be protected from the time you step on the first rung until your back on the ground. When these devices were first introduced in industrial environments there was much squawking about lost time, productivity as well as regulatory enforcement. As people acclimated to the systems lost time is often mitigated by an increase in productivity because of user comfort and confidence. In other words; what was once a tense white knuckle climb is now a simple routine that probably won’t cost you your life. A decrease in insurance rates also brought down business expenses. Enforcement turned out to be no brainer because both the enforcement agency (OSHA) and the workers both have the same interest; everyone wants to go home safe at the end of the day. It’s the same as seat belts in automobiles, a few decades after being introduced only the stupidest of the stupid don’t use them, people use them because they don't want to die not because they fear being fined. These devises and methods just need to be further adopted by the hunters and the hunting industry. There also need to be a renewed effort by tree stand manufacturers to produce safer tree stands. The fact that stand ladder sections are only held together by friction is unacceptable, there is very little cost in adding pins or bolts to ladders. I could go on and on but you get the point.
  5. Greasy B

    Sad story

    Why aren’t Fall restraint and descent systems mandatory? Is I because we don’t like pesky regulations?
  6. Help me Gavin, I need to find the ignore button.
  7. That’s 10 years for me. I planning on playing golf, fishing and hunting same as now and hope to have another 10 years after that. There are a lot of advantages with age, many of the fears and anxieties I had are gone, I just don’t care anymore. For most of my life financial and physical well-being seemed impossible but who knows maybe that will work out.
  8. Dry bags and boxes are not all their cracked up to be. I've been using duffle bags with trash bag liners for long time without a problem.
  9. Hahahaha, it’s the Orvis sisters.
  10. It’s tradition.
  11. I don't know any duplicators but I do know a pretty good replicator.
  12. I wish a could have seen it, what a waste.
  13. Bummer, it's not likely but I hope you get your stuff back. Where I grew up and worked most of my life your car window was as good as broken if you so much as left pocket change on the car seat. That lesson as served me well now that every neighborhood is like that.
  14. Let's hope user names remain nonsensical. I'll have you know I shower daily and I know who my mother and father are.
  15. That area is a fascinating bass fishing destination; I'd love to hear a report from you or from anyone who has ever fished it.
  16. I never met Ron but he has been a great contributor to the local fishing scene for as long as I can remember. I have friends who have fond memories of fishing with Ron. He will be missed. Who knows maybe Roadrunners are the best all around Smallmouth bait.
  17. Has traffic died down with the low-water ?
  18. I love it. Nobody listens to me at home, nobody listens to me at work, I don't hang around in bars anymore. This is about the only place i can spout off my half bassed opinions.
  19. Words of wisdom from Wally, Al and Wench. This notion that hatcheries and stocking exotic species will improve fishing quality needs to be abandoned by fishermen. That fact that it hasn't already be abandoned by managers is an embarrassment to the profession.
  20. That encouraging. My usual haunts are too low, I'll have to get creative for my next overnighter. Geez, I hope I don't have to go somewhere with other people around.
  21. Because it was hard, Some of us don’t get our images and stereotypes from movies, magazines or other media BS we are still weirdos and darn proud of it.
  22. Yep, A 24 inch Rainbow across from the Riverton ramp on the Eleven Point was another, that was on a Zoom lizard.
  23. The biggest Smallmouth I've seen caught on Meramec was across from the Sappington bridge ramp.
  24. Thanks Al, cold front or no I think it will work out fine. I guess I hate to see summer end and by going north I'm cutting a couple of weeks off what's left.
  25. Thanks, Yeah, I have learned that you can’t just cast your bait toward the bank you have to hit the grass. The river should be dropping to the point where there may or may not be bank habitat. The game gets a whole lot trickier and interesting when the fish are forced to move to midstream eddies and hug the bottom. On more than one occasion we located fish by seeing diving Gulls or by locating rising minnows and the nervous water that can be a sign bass feeding on the minnows.
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