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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Sorry, Bob, just paypaled you $75. I'll get the other 5 to you right now. Russ
  2. I'll take the spey rod, but I don't know how to pm.
  3. I am considering buying a 2007 Chevy Avalanche, loaded 133,00 miles. Anyone have any info on one that I can use? Thanks, Russ
  4. # 18 Harvester midge 15" under an indicator, dead drift up by the dam or down in handicapped area.
  5. "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree."
  6. Were you casting upstream or down?
  7. We have completed the drift boat raffle for Project Healing Waters and I would like to personally thank everyone who bought a ticket, and especially all the fly shops that had them for sale. We raised $4500 and this will go to help disabled veterans and active duty military personel.
  8. By the way, Mckee bridge is repaired, as my son predicted.
  9. A buddy and I went down to the river on Thursday. We met at ROLF and got directions to Rainbow spring . We drove up there and met Shelby and explored the spring and the river up there. We drove around some to Kelly ford and McKee bridge and finally back to ROLF to fish there. I set up my Spey rod (which I still can't cast worth a dang) and fished a 56er on it. I raised 11 fish and got 4 to hand and we quit for a great lunch at ROLF. In the afternoon we repeated the earlier scene and I raised 7 more fish and only got one to hand. My buddy got 1 fish total but it was still a great trip. The moss is pretty bad, but I've seen it worse. We will go back asap.
  10. That's neat because I used to have a house on the Big River in Desloge.
  11. You're living a dream, Marty! Russ
  12. When my son and I were heading back from Yellowstone we came into Pinedale and there was a sign at the city limits that said, "Pinedale, Wyoming, all the civilization you need." I thought that was pretty funny.
  13. I take my 2 Dachshunds fly fishing all the time, but not from a boat. They stay close to me.
  14. Sorry, I forgot to mention, the tickets are only 10 bucks each. Russ
  15. Project Healing Waters is raffleing off a handmade 14'6" drift boat complete with Haul Rite trailer. A picture of the boat and tickets are available at Lilley's Landing, River Run Outfitters, and Anglers and Archers in Branson, Wishes and Fishes in Bull Shoals, Dallys, in Cotter, Blue Ribbon Fly Shop in Mtn. Home, Sunburst, River of Life, on the NorthFork of the White, Tim's Fly Shop at Roaring River, McClellens in Fayetteville, Plateau Fly Shop in Springfield, K & K Flyfishers in Kansas City, Hargroves, and Feathercraft, in St. Louis Proceeds from this raffle will go to support Project Healling Waters, a program which helps disabled vets and active duty military return to a more normal life through fly fishing, fly tying and rod building. More information about Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing can be found at projecthealingwaters.org. Thanks for your support. Russ
  16. If you're going anywhere near Montana tie up some purple haze dry flies. I killed 'em on that fly a year ago.
  17. A blood red mini mohair leech has always worked at night on Taneycomo. You might try that.
  18. I love old films like that. I remember back before spinning reels became popular.
  19. I was down there yesterday and McKee bridge is washed out on the West side, something I have not seen in the 30 years I have been going down there. My son who guides on the river says it will be rebuilt by the rich people who live on the West side and rely on the bridge to get to West Plains.
  20. Maybe this will flush the moss out some.
  21. A couple years ago a fishing buddy and I ran into some MSU students doing the same thing. They had a cottonmouth in a cloth bag and they dumped him/her out on the gravel for us to see. They said the same thing, when they want to catch one, they come to Crane.
  22. They're from Arkansas, what do you expect? Sweetest girlfriend I ever had was from Harrison.
  23. I might be able to help you. I have been building graphite fly rods for over 30 years and have restored bamboo fly rods in the past. I would do the work for free if you will work with me a little bit on my spey casting. If I look at the rod and can't fix it for you, I would tell you up front rather than do a half assed job. My number is 417-459-0107. Russ
  24. Can anybody fish at Bois D' Arc? I'd like to take my Project Healing Waters vets out there. What are the rules and any restrictions?
  25. Lots of protein there, Marty. Russ
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