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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Those last two. I'll take a half dozen of each.
  2. That looks sweet! What did the boat rental run you?
  3. Lancer09


    Go Royals!!!!
  4. Unfortunately I don't think this will ever really go away for good. When it gets beaten one company will put it down and another will pick it back up and start the fight all over again..
  5. Oh.... good chance I head down there for a day.
  6. Sounds just like the "marabou" flies they sell at Roaring and bennett. It's just a black plume and a yellow plume tied side by side.
  7. Your local walmart should have them. I get some hot and spicy ones just about every time I stop in there.
  8. They now keep length records: http://store.igfa.org/IGFA-World-Record-Tool-s/1830.htm
  9. So you think it was close to the world record weight wise? IGFA keeps length, and catch and release records. There is no way that fish is close to a weight world record at that length and girth, however because the video puts so much emphasis on the length of the fish I bet it would be a length world record through ice.
  10. Probably a length world record. Not necessarily weight.
  11. Doesn't look like any cuttie I've ever seen I like the brookie though. Do you catch a lot more of them on the norfork than the white?
  12. You do any good the other day Mike?
  13. If Taney doesn't run on Friday or Saturday night I plan on being there. I Probably needed to shorten up the stinger hook on the sculpin but we will see How it fishes.
  14. I don't have a dog in this fight but I see where JoeD is coming from. There are all kinds of reports from Ham saying that X number of fish were caught, or X were this size when it has been very tough for everyone I have heard from too. Sure I believe him but do I doubt it sometimes? Yeah, when numbers like he is posting about get thrown around on the www there are always going to be doubters. More to how I feel though, at what point does one fifteen inch rainbow feel just like the last? Is the point to get out and fish, escape life for a bit and have some fun? Or turn it into work to try to catch every fish in the river? Don't get me wrong, I love just catching the fire out of them as much as the next guy but when does someone lose reality about what a good day really is? I think back to the NFOW thread about smallmouth fishing and how the fish there, while plentiful were not worth the time or effort because of their size compared to other rivers? I mean 40 smallmouth anywhere, even small ones makes for a good day, but where can I go and catch 40 15-16 inchers with half of them bigger than that thrown in? Would it be cool to see some pictures of these fish that are caught? Absolutely. Are we going to? Probably not. Ham, keep doing your thing and catching the fire out of those fish if that's what makes you happy!
  15. Or it's a balloon.
  16. Mike, any interested for putting up an sbs for that crafty rabbit? That was your swap fly right?
  17. Awesome flies Mike. Had smallmouth on my mind. A pair of craw flies.
  18. Pm sent.
  19. So is it like a shooting head with a running line?
  20. It is six or six and a half miles. An hour a mile or so depending on How hard your fishing.
  21. That little foam dragon is an awesome fly Geoff. I'll be filling some boxes up with those for sure. Can't imagine it wouldn't work for bass in some bigger sizes too.
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