For those of you that have them, did you buy them new or used? I'm looking into used ones, solely for price reasons however I really like the look of the boats that Stealth Craft puts out for the price, especially their 13 or 14 foot models.
I've never fished one so what are some of the things that you guys look for in a boat for the ozarks area? Would a 13 or 14 foot boat work for floating the tailwaters and rivers around here that are big enough to do so?
When searching for used boats I can't seem to find a place that really has a bunch of listings, other than craigslist, do you know of any good used boat websites?
I mentioned stealthcraft and I REALLY like the design and layouts of their boats, does anyone have any experience with them?
Does anyone use a motor on their boat or do you shuttle every time? If (it's more a matter of when) I get a boat I don't know that i'll always have another person with me or use a shuttle, do motors really work out ok on drift boats?
Thanks for any questions any one can answer, I'm trying to get the skinny on brands, models, and sizes so I can really figure out what I should be looking for.