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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. That skid Mark on the bottom stripping guide and one other scuff Mark are about all That's wrong with it. What kind of varnish would you recommend coating it with?
  2. What is he wanting for the whole thing?
  3. For that price I'll work on figuring that out myself! Althoughost you'd be Tripeling what I paid for the thing. It does cast OK with a six wt. Line, and I fished it yesterday, but a 7 Line is definitely in It's future.
  4. I'm just looking for information if anyone knows anything About vintage fly rods. I recently acquired a Wright and McGill Denco 8.5 foot 7weight. From looking them up the green thread wraps indicate it was made sometime in the early sixties. It has No. 13 on it, does anyone know what that means? I can't find much info about them and eBay has them listed anywhere from 35 dollars to 135 or so. Just looking to find out if I have a fun glass small mouth rod or if I should start looking around to collectors to sell. The cork is in decent shape with some pitting and staining but not bad given the age. Thanks for Any possible help.
  5. Exactly;) Have you ever tried deucing in a river? Ain't easy.
  6. Just go to the thrift stores and flea markets. I can't think How much old taxidermy I've seen in those in Clinton and Warsaw. However I don't want anything mounted that I wasn't responsible for, the point of it is the memories.
  7. Yessir I believe so.
  8. I don't Any but I've casted the streamer express and liked it. I've also heard good things about the outbound line's taper if your throwing Big flies.
  9. I'm not huge on the separate tips, only because they can be funky to cast. However they really are the easiest option when wanting to change sink rates. I have a type 6 Rio tip and I throw it on an 8. It would work on a seven but the lower ips tips would work better I'm sure due to them being lighter. If I could choose I'd prefer a spool with a sink tip integrated line just because I think they perform better and are easier to handle. Be sure if you do get some sink tips get the 12-15 footers, not the short 5's some places carry.
  10. Well, if you have Nothing going on Tuesday morning, come do it yourself! I'll be fishing the niangua I think.
  11. Those are some sweet, sweet flies. I was going to fishing today but decided I'm Tuesday instead. I'll see what I can do to get a picture of one of them stuck in a fishes mouth. I snagged a new rod today that could use some good juju.
  12. Those epoxy minnows are incredible. I'll be fishing some of those flies within the week now!
  13. Exactly though even if one person fishing is fishing there really has to be someone else in a canoe to control it. As well as the fisherman not really having the space needed. When it's time to switch who is going to keep the boat in position good luck. HOWEVER that doesn't mean I won't fish out of a canoe,and frequently, I'll just stop and wade more often. My girlfriends parents gave us our Christmas present this afternoon.... This was sitting in the back when we went outside.
  14. Plateau had a Christmas party/fundraiser this evening. I won this badass umpqua boat box full of flies.
  15. Shooot, you'll have every fishing boat need covered.
  16. I really dig that skiff Trigg. I know as the owner of the boat I will get stuck rowing more, but when I do get to fish it will be more enjoyable than out of a canoe, or jon boat. I have done both and spent more time dicking with line tangles, or getting stuck on a paddle, having to adjust after a single cast, etc.... A drift boat gives me the space i want, and I am not a small guy at all. When I get my fishing time in i'll get to enjoy that time instead of working while trying to fish as well. I've looked at the towee boats and was really thinking about them as well with a rowing frame. The skiff style boats I have looked at have had the more open layouts and walk around interior which is fairly important for what I want.
  17. Thank you for the advice everyone. Thankfully I have a few people who will learn to row or not fish out of a boat. I hadn't heard much about the adipose boats but really like their flow skiff, and a lot of the other "skiff" style boats. The search has begun.
  18. That is the info I was looking for. Thank you for the recommendation on the 15 foot boat. I know I mentioned the shorter boats but I didn't know if a 15 footer could really float that many rivers around here. That was seriously helpful. Trigger, Thank you very much!
  19. D&D. I also did a triple... but it was a bit snakey looking. Hog snare
  20. For those of you that have them, did you buy them new or used? I'm looking into used ones, solely for price reasons however I really like the look of the boats that Stealth Craft puts out for the price, especially their 13 or 14 foot models. I've never fished one so what are some of the things that you guys look for in a boat for the ozarks area? Would a 13 or 14 foot boat work for floating the tailwaters and rivers around here that are big enough to do so? When searching for used boats I can't seem to find a place that really has a bunch of listings, other than craigslist, do you know of any good used boat websites? I mentioned stealthcraft and I REALLY like the design and layouts of their boats, does anyone have any experience with them? Does anyone use a motor on their boat or do you shuttle every time? If (it's more a matter of when) I get a boat I don't know that i'll always have another person with me or use a shuttle, do motors really work out ok on drift boats? Thanks for any questions any one can answer, I'm trying to get the skinny on brands, models, and sizes so I can really figure out what I should be looking for.
  21. Cnr, Look into the Allen reels. Ive heard nothing but good things about them. I know Brian Wise has one, I'm sure he could answer any questions you have.
  22. Your right.... I did. It wasn't that bad I just had to hour them in carefully. Sorry that last message of mine was nearly unreadable.
  23. Mike is head and shoulders above where I am. His are just packed a lot tighter and his proportions look better as well as his trimming is crisp. It does however just take a LOT of practice and wasted deer hair. I know doing some divers for the smallmouth swap a while back made me a lot better, and faster with packing hair too. For the fly above I spun a layer of gray to get a base and then stacked a layer on the bottom and then stacked my colors on the top of the hook. I have always had better luck getting the bottom color to come higher on the body of the fly that way but that's just me. Also, steaming the fly after the initial trim can help get everything freshened up and you can hit it with a razor one more time and get some really neat nice lines.
  24. Jump in on the Brown Trout streamer swap next summer. He has done it the last two years with us. I've finished six of each. I'm slowly wrapping them up at about one every couple of days or so.
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