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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by junkman

  1. How about this for you that live in MO. Could I go ahead and have a police report wrote up but not press charges at that time? then maybe tell him I will if it doesn't stop?
  2. what about a semi polite strong arm approach? Going over there with the sheriff and run through how nice I had been but enough is enough?
  3. i have a dilemma I figured I would through out to you guys and see if you might be able to give me some GOOD advice. The neighbor sold their house three months ago and a real Jim Dandy moved in. He loves to target practice but the thing is he only has a acre of ground with the house. He decided to set a target up on me and commenced to shooting without thought. Bullets travel a 1/4 mile through the weeds and trees and are only stopped by a old goat milking shed stored with stuff and a tempered glass green house which you know won't stop anything. Went to the sheriff for advice for I could plainly see he has no brains whatsoever, and the said they couldn't do much except talk to him without me filing a report which I didn't want to do for I didn't want to make him mad. I decided to catch he and his buddies out there red handed and polity told them I don't care if you shoot on your own property but I would like you to respect the property line. He stated he was sorry and was about to build a berm which the police said was the only way to get him. Well sure enough, came home one day to see 8 railroad ties stacked up on top of each other and located 20 ft. over on me. Figured I would wait till I could catch them red handed and politely tell him he needs to move it. Well all was quiet for about a month then the other day he decided to through a party. About ten o'clock at night the shooting started again. drove up there (only 100yards from the house) and again had to politely tell him to respect the property line. He was drunk but was nice and told me we are for I got the berm up now. I had to inform him that you put it up on my side of the line. Then he says were is the line? I had already pointed to the steel posts marking the corners and then he commenced to apologizing, and that's when I told his you can do what ever you want to as long as it is on your side of the line. Well the berm never got moved and tonight the pistols and high powered rifles started blasting again. Now every time they shoot the neighbors, sometimes more then three call the sheriff but sometimes they don't even come out. Well the wife called them today as I walked out the door to catch them red handed again but like usual they went inside after a few clips. Cops did come and even the wife told them they were shooting on our property but I could hear them laughing together and after he left they shot another clip off. I walked up there and pushed the berm over but don't know if I should have. But they have shot up the few things stored in the shed and busted four pieces of tempered glass out of my greenhouse but yet people that know him say he is the dumbest person you ever saw and as well is known to snort a little meth. So like you make him mad, who knows what he might do. Even the boys don't like to go outside because of it. Only knowledgeable suggestions? Looks like I will put up some trespassing signs and see if that might work. If I make him pay for the stuff they destroyed it will make him mad to. any thoughts
  4. Told the youngest boy about geocaching and boy he was all for it. Had to go to LOZ for a speaking engagement and figured I would try finding one in that neck of the woods. Tried finding one in Fiery Fork Conservation area but man it is harder to find then you think. Didn't find it for some guys were camping there and didn't want to leave the truck unattended. Decided to go find another one closer to where we were staying and still couldn't find. boy was the young one down hearted. Found a couple close to home so I will take him out tomorrow.
  5. Until you guys started talking about geocaching, I had never herd of it. I think my youngest boy might enjoy it.
  6. I would be interested in reading the threads. Don't know about contributing much. Know I don't get out and enjoy them as much as I should. This time of year is a good time to be out on one. Like maybe Painted Rock Conservation Areamore infoAddress: south of Jefferson City. Will be lovely in a few weeks.
  7. Know what you mean. I have never been to Beaver lake and probably never will be but the Beaver lake thread is always the first thread I look at. and it is all because of all the fine posts that Scott contributes. Thanks allot.
  8. Well Mike I can't help you out much on your question for I have never ventured down that way before. But I do want to say welcome aboard anyway. I am actually not to far south of you maybe fifty miles.still not far enough south to be called the Ozarks but it's home. good luck and I hope someone helps you out. And as well hope you do good on your adventure. Mark
  9. So have we concluded that the green Castle is a condo? To many conflicting stories about this green castle.
  10. Come on guys. The suspense is getting to this history buff.
  11. Come on guys. The suspense is getting to this history buff.
  12. You guys think we are in for a real treat do you. Sounds like a early winter to me and that to me is no treat LOL.
  13. Drool drool. Always loved fishing in Florida but never caught the beasts you are catching. Congratulations.
  14. The Chinese sauce is my go to cooking sauce. Really like the one with onions. Stir fry and broccoli with garlic sauce isn't the same without it. The one gallon of Tabasco looks like a gag gift my brother needs.
  15. All I can say is "let it rain, let it rain, let it rain." Almost like Christmas. Can't wait. I have to admit though I had 3" of rain last week, so I'm not hurting quite as bad now.
  16. The latest computer model shows it going right over my house. That sounds real real good.
  17. Had to go look at Isaac's forecast and see its coming is maybe in Mississippi. you guys down around the boot heal might be fortunate. But like Ham said, think it needs to be a little more west.
  18. Usually takes a hurricane coming up through Texas or Louisiana to do any good. Still remember 1986 when two hurricanes made there way up this way. Rained for two weeks and went over the elevated highways around here. Highest I ever seen it, being over 20 foot deep in the river bottoms by my house. If it tracks through Florida it might play havoc through Georgia and that area. I actually got 3 inches of rain last night and see the river by my house is up a little.
  19. Usually trail mix and a candy bar for a little energy if in a boat. But most of the time I am a bank fisherman. The last time out it was two ears of corn, a baking tator and a onion. All cooked on a small fire. Don't get much better in my opinion.
  20. Thought I was back far enough one time but the guys hook on his fly scratched my eye lid. Like someone was watching out for me. could have been real bad.
  21. Yep used Google Earth a many a time to look for potential honey holes on unknown waters.
  22. That's truly a great big fish. Wouldn't mind trout fishing if I could catch hogs like that.
  23. I found it a great read for I like a little history once in a while. sad note is, I imagine the guy driving that very engine died in it.
  24. Yes your location would be a bit far for me or I would jump at a opportunity to go monster cat hunting. I heard that a 110lb. blue was caught at Melvin Price the other day now that would be something. Do have friends that live in Jeff city so thinking of trying the Missouri out up that way. Always wanted to catch the bigones, and didn't know there was any other mindset.
  25. You want to know the truth all I have mainly ever done was bank fish for cats. That is why I made the holders to try boat fishing for them. The times I have went with someone else we just tied up to a tree (river fishing). I looked at the monster rod holder. but being I never have used one, I was leery of having the reel just dangling out there on the outside of the holder. Hated the thought of loosing $100 reels. Thats why I decided to make my own design. I here you on still waiting for the 70 plus blue, for I am waiting patiently myself.
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