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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by junkman

  1. do you have a automatic? His is a standard with a few changed gears in it. plus he has the computer set for optimum fuel economy. Makes allot of difference how the fuel/air mixture is set. I don't know how many intake manifolds I have cleaned for him that were as much as 90% blocked when run on the factory settings. Actually didn't see how they ran. Enough, this isn't a car forum LOL.
  2. My nephew is a TDI mechanic, and we use his jetta to pule my heavy duty 12 with a 9.8 mercury and 5 gallon of gas plus battery and trolling motor plus all our other gear. don't really know it's back there. Does cut him back from 52MPG to 40 MPG though.
  3. Thanks for the post. Looks like you have been doing good. but as well thanks for posting anything here. It seems to me people try to keep Truman a secret or something. for I know it is fished more then the posts show. I myself just love Truman. Wish I could find the time to make another trip over there this year.
  4. LOZ would be a little tricky in my 12' v bottom I would think with all the traffic. But on some of the quieter water it doesn't bother me. I will say Truman makes you look pretty small though. Pommi would probably be a good choice for a smaller craft as well. I only worry about some major wind coming up. If you are like me, you don't have extra cash to be buying a several thousand dollar boat so just buy what you can and enjoy. I have maybe $500 in my boat motor and trailer and plan to enjoy it for many years to come.
  5. i will at least say welcome to the forum both of you. I think you will find someone on here that can help you for to be honest I can't. never caught one in my life, so make that three looking for tips. I have seen them caught in the river systems around during their early spring run, but never had any luck myself. the times I seen them caught in the rivers, it was cloudy and they were located at riffles. The ones I seen caught were on beetle spins (white) and black and chartreuse tube jigs. That all I can educate. again welcome fishermen and hope to hear a little feedback once in a while. Mark
  6. SIO3, is that statement true? I remember reading many years ago in a In Fisherman magazine that the tail waters below Truman were the best bank fishing water in the USA. I ask for I have never ever seen the Poweresite dam let alone fished below it. But if it is better then Warsaw then It may need checked out.
  7. A question from one that has never been there. I hear people talk about the cables. Is that referring to the cable stretched across the water below the dam? Curious minds want to know. Thanks
  8. I'm glad someone saw where the argument was going. When we decide to throw away something for it is not as we want it, it just makes it easier to throw away the next and the next.
  9. My 9.8 mercury motor came into a junk yard I was working at over in Kansas. the motor actually came from Missouri for it had been licensed. Thought it was to nice just to throw away so I bought it from my boss. Took it to the sheriffs office hear in Mo. and had them run the serial number to make sure it was not stolen. Turned out they could not find any record of the serial number or the last license number. They told me since it came out of Kansas I would have to get a bill of sale from who I bought it from and have it notarized which I did. My local license bureau would not except it for they never know whats going on, so I took it to another county. There the lady informed me that i didn't even need to have it notarized and filed the paperwork to get it in my name. Come to find out it had the Mercury syndrome. cost $300 to have it fixed. so much for a cheep motor.
  10. I guess it's all in the boat but my 12' Duranautic v bottom with fishing gear and two small adults and a kid will in no way ever reach plane with my 9.8. If a flat bottom will make that much difference I guess I need to get one.
  11. Nice to see how to take out a hook. Beats the way it was taken out of my back (razor blade). Or the one stuck in my hand, for it was cut and ran on through and out with pliers. GREAT pain for sure. Looks like you guys had a great time which make me a little envious.
  12. Stopped by the new spillway on Pomme a couple weeks ago. Just wanted to look and see what it looked like. saw two fishermen fishing and yacked with then for a few minutes and listened to them complain about it. But when the boy and I walked off. we both caught a whiff of pot smoke. So I guess there is a few fishermen that have to have other things to mellow out with besides fishing. was awkward trying to explain what the smell was though.
  13. Had to check out that river on the net. There is no way I would go down that river, for it would be insane. Check out this clip and you will see what I mean. I wonder why they call it trash can falls LOL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hXN40YzlMM&feature=player_detailpage
  14. actually I have been busy this week building a wolf pin for a guy. The way it looks to me, the conservation Dept. already has regulations in place to weed out some riffraff. I know he had to take a test to see if he was even eligible to have one. And this pen I'm building is maximum security. going to have a couple thousand in the pin but actually the pup only cost $100. it sounds like to me that one of the problems was that Ohio was some pretty lax laws. maybe it would be best to have a universal set of standards in place across the states.
  15. Just remember that yes wow that was great but I still distinctly remember the time the Royals smoked them. Won some money on that game back in high school. Have to say though, GO Cardinals even though the only sports I follow is fishing.
  16. Wow Mr. feathers, to me that was a good read. I have never caught a striper but have always dreamed of it after when young seeing about a 40lb er below Truman lake dam. You post was probably the best info I have seen on the subject. Thanks for posting and maybe now a dream can become a reality.
  17. You must have the same interest as do I. Had to buy three Abu Garcia's in the last month from the local pole man. All were the Swedish made reels and came with good poles. Bought two for $25 each and the last one was $30. Thought I did pretty good. Just now have to find a opportunity to use them.
  18. Guys, I thought I would post my very quick fishing trip to the Little Niangue. Wanted to fish all day today but first i had to stop Friday and pick up the Grumman canoe my nephew bought in Hermitage to use so I didn't take mine. Got there to pick it up and the man was not home, so no canoe. Took N hwy North out of Max Creak and drove over the river. Had thoughts of it all weekend. Well today came and had to stay unexpectedly at my destination till 3:30 pm. Then another unexpected, had to bring my youngest son home with me which is just fine except he hates fishing. I had to buy him a soda pop and some candy so I could at least stop at the bridge on the way back. Got to fish for 15 minutes WOW. at least caught two little smallmouth which were my first and two pumpkin seed perch so It wasn't a total let down. Boy it just seemed like it would have been a great day to have been on that little river. definitely will have to do a float on it in the future.
  19. Max Drown, you might want to go and look at the old posts that were made on the subject but in short they were ran off and even intimidated with a gun in one instance. I like to live by the rule "live peaceably with all man" so I don't like altercations no matter if in the right. Good to know I shouldn't have any trouble. Thanks Siusaluki.
  20. I was going to try a little fishing Sunday on the little Niangua. Thought about dragging a canoe from Howards ford to Bannister ford and try my luck on catching my first small mouth. But I have read about what happened to Chief Greybear on shoal creek and what happened at the little Piney access and was wondering if I could run into problems on the stretch specified? Figured since I was going across it there for my meeting I would stop there. I have never been there so I am asking those of you that know more about that stretch them I. Thanks for any info, Mark
  21. Ihave viewed it three times now and have never even fished LOZ. But I will be there this weekend and might have to throw a hook in. just like to check up on whats happening out there.
  22. yes it is a beautiful place. never got in the snow so didn't have the problem, but I know the next time i go it will be with a canoe. Just fabulous clear mountain lakes that just beg to be fished.
  23. Doesn't sound very good for my float trip scheduled for this next weekend. was actually going to try the little Niangua for the location of my speaking engagement moved North of climax Springs but if there is little water down there on the Niangua, then I hate to see what the Little Niangua looks like.
  24. Been hitting the farm ponds for the last few weeks and even then have been pretty tough most of the time. Seen a couple sum dogs in the sky yesterday and a few mares tails as well, so hopefully there will be a change in the weather pattern in a day or two.
  25. I remember seeing those sheepshead eating barnacles off the pier pilings. but never seen one that big. Nice catch and good luck on your surgery.
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