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Everything posted by rhondafish

  1. We saw folks on both sides of the buoys, and no one slowed down. Not even for the kayaks coming down the river. Whatever happened to Common Courtesy and Common Sense?
  2. This past weekend we were in Branson and wandered down to Lilly's dock to "cool off some. We usually fish Arkansas only, but always love to visit the river in Missouri. We noticed the No Wake buoys out from Lilly's Dock, about half way out in the river. We never saw a boat slow down, even for paddle craft. Question is this: Is it No Wake between the dock and the buoys? Or does the No Wake zone extend across the river? Thanks
  3. OK, we finally got to find this place. It is NOT clearly signed on the highway. Plus the "Old" Access sign is still up, adding further confusion. Heading toward Berryville from Eureka, there is a Gravel Turnout on the right, just before you go over the bridge. This is the access. The access does have a sign, you just can't see it from the road. About a 5 yard carry down steep bank to the river from the parking lot. Still a vast improvement from the old access. Hope this helps
  4. So is the Farm open to anyone now? Can you post directions to it please? Thanks
  5. Thanks for this Hot Tip...really narrows it down . Don't be upset if you see a lot of other boats suddenly on your "spot"
  6. You can take out at Beavorama. Just a little farther down. Like this Quote Can you please give specifics on how to get to this takeout. Thanks
  7. Can anyone give some specific directions re the "Access" at Beaverama please? Thanks in advance
  8. Read in NWA Democrat-Gazette last Tuesday that the Game and Fish Access at the 62 Bridge has been moved to the other side of the river. It is on the North Side of the river, by the mouth of Osage Creek. Clearly signed on Highway 62, and is named after J D Fletcher. (Thanks to Flip Putthoff of the newspaper for passing this suggestion on to Ron Duncan, former G & F Commissioner.) New access is much easier on vehicles, and a safer place to park and launch. This is good news since the old south side access was always a mess.
  9. Thanks MojoRig. Haven't been following this thread for awhile (Hey It's Winter !!!). Can you tell us the location of this Property / Access Please? Please keep us posted on progress too please. Thanks Again
  10. Seems like a solution to a non-existent problem....seems to be all the rage these days. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it....but like everything else: We'll learn to live with it.
  11. Dally's Fly Shop in Cotter might be an option for Shuttles on the White and Norfork rivers. Also will have good up to the minute fishing info.
  12. Wotton knot is OK. particularly if you make one of your turns a double turn. That is on Line to lure/ hook. I've had zero luck using the Wotton for leaders. Seems to break, or slip every time. You really can't beat a Triple Surgeon for Tippet to leader connections.
  13. rhondafish

    Sad News

    So what is name / contact info for who ever is running shuttles on Crooked Creek now? Thanks
  14. Where is the Clear Creek Put In? How far is it between Clear Creek and Snow? Thanks
  15. Seda Brand Vests always. In Canoe or in the Big Lake boat.
  16. Can you give details on how you set up the AA Battery Power. Maybe instructions / pics. Thanks
  17. OK, we've decided to run a separate battery for our Electronics. 2 Depth/ Fishfinders. Do we run a Deep Cycle or a Starter Type Battery? Thinking Deep Cycle since it can handle recharging better. Other question is, if it is a starter battery, what size. Can we efficiently use one sized for a ride on lawnmower? We're not sure what kind of a drain 2 FF will have on the battery, and want to cut down on weight of a 3rd battery if we can. Thanks in Advance.
  18. What does the Horseshoe ramp look like with the water coming up like it is?
  19. Been looking to put oars in our smaller flat bottom.48 inch wide floor, 16 ft long. Any suggestions re oar locks, and length of oars? (AND where to get them?) Not wanting to spend a ton of $ like the guys that spend 400-700 bucks on Drift Boat oars. Thanks for your help
  20. Speaking of getting hit by a car, we were on 74 by Steel Creek heading towards Ponca Sunday afternoon (5/4). Were turned back to Jasper since was told a big truck had overturned on that bad hill leading down to Ponca and all traffic stopped. Went to Jasper and then North on 7 to Harrison. At Dogpatch we all got stopped again. This time a massive wreck on 7...But nothing on news, in news, or on State Police reports...What happened on these roads. Anybody know?
  21. Look into the Tyler Bed area, Near Harrison. Lots of outfitters there, cabins, etc. Usually good water year around, and NPS has a fine campground and river access points all along here. Just downstream, you'll find the town of Gilbert. Another good spot for what you are looking for.
  22. So wind is from the east, so you set up on the west. Are you positioning the boat in deep water casting into the wind (Casting "East") ? Thanks
  23. Go to the Beaver Lake Forum, and see what Feathers and Fins has posted regarding various species and techniques right at the beginning of the forum. Should answer pretty much all your questions.
  24. As a kid I often rode my bike or could walk to good fishing. Where are kids gonna go to do that anymore? And then there is the problem, if there is a place to go, some sicko preying on the kids. I always carried a pocketknife everywhere, and when fishing alone, carried a .22 pistol from age 12....That just ain't politically correct anymore...so in essence, we adults, kinda legislate the kids out of the outdoors...
  25. Gotta Say They Almost ALL are Home Waters to us. We are truly blessed to live within 2-3 hours of all these, and regularly fish them. (With 4 boats we can cover pretty much any situation . Take them all combined, and we have truly some of the finest freshwater fishing on the planet (And we've been ALL OVER this planet). The Fishing is just one of the reasons we call The Ozarks Home.
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