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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. As nice as this weekend will be I would suggest that people who do not want to put up with boat traffic and the headaches go to the Elk River
  2. Very nice, glad you got keepers I kept getting the ones that had that dang tail to close to the nose problem
  3. 200+ boats for the tourney... Plus all the wake boats, pontoons and just average joe fishermen... People will be parking all the way to the gate again
  4. Very welcome im glad the info helped.
  5. Good luck with that, many will head to LB, Indian, Honey and Moulder. All well known tournament spots
  6. Bet they were slow rolling or fishing very near the bottom
  7. Very nice trip. Spinner is awesome table fair
  8. GPS of this dock? Everyone needs to visit it frequently and often
  9. Its a PITA on heavy wind but you just have to crank up the trolling motor and try to keep position. I have teased about Powerpoles on Beaver but im seriously looking in to getting a set and then modify the pole (s) to anchor in 16ft ( Micro anchor ) then try to modify the spike for 6 ft or 17. As for the Keitechs, 1/4 oz head is my preferred no mater the wind, but on heavy wind days scale down to 6lb line and slow the retrieve way down like you are slow rolling. Equally deadly it to put it on a PJ's to add some bulk. In the clear water definitely scale down to 6lb and be sure to use floro. Its really no different than tight-lining for crappie in wind with super light heads you just have to slow way way down to keep the bait down.
  10. Here try this I should help the points are marked
  11. Beaver is "KISS" lake. Keep It Simple Stupid, The always have baits are IMO Keitechs Hair or feather jigs ( plain or tipped with keitechs ) Rapala sr5 to sr 9 Flicker Shad 5,6,7s Wiggle Wart ( or your favorite clone of them ) Spinner Bait ( Mouse, White or Chartreuse and white ) for night ( Black or Purple and Black ) Pencil poppers, Pop-rs and Zara spooks / puppys Jigging spoon 1/2oz to 1oz Bobby Garland Crappie Jigs Those are the best producers and most consistent for me for multi-species. The first two on the list are ALWAYS near at hand as is a spoon. Specialized stuff like bottom bouncers for walleye or live bait to me is more specialized for presentation than the bait itself.
  12. Ask Jimmy a ton of questions he will help you greatly. The points are actually Marker signs on the lake Point 12 is right where the White River and War Eagle Rivers meet on Beaver Lake. Not sure of Point 12 on Tablerock.
  13. More like a hole than obstacle lol. When they built the two ramps they must have been low on funds because they didn't pour between them.
  14. I believe there is only 10 pros fishing today and if 10 pros plus media boats have it tied all up I would bet there will be a ton of complaints so I would say go and see, worse case you would have to go to 12 bridge to launch. Me im thinking about hitting the lake at 4pm tonight and give some late afternoon evening walleye fishing a shot my guts tingling and I listen to it, unless its raining then I will stay home and watch tv.
  15. Awe yes 12 bridge, good shot of it
  16. I would NEVER bet against Steve, simple as that the guy knows the lake and its bass and if I was bass fishing and he was in the boat I would do exactly what he said. There is a handful of guys that when it comes to bass I would give up the front of the boat for and sit back and watch and learn from.
  17. Im with Ham, Master Kill on my batteries and its off as soon as the boats off the water and on only at the ramp. Charger I have a nice one I bought that has an automatic off when charged. I trust it far more than my factory installed onboard 2 bank. I charge the Fishfinder battery first then the trolling motor battery.
  18. I run an optima for my trolling motor, its 3 years old now and it can go 6 hours at full speed in the wind before its done, all day at 1/4 power no problem and when I get home its only down to about 74% on average. So int the trolling motor use its wonderful. My starting is just a Cabelas AGM battery and its works fine Fish finders are all on an old interstate battery that's 5 years old. Best thing I ever did was putting the 3rd battery in the boat and dedicating the BATTERIES, Trolling has its own as does the Fish finder.
  19. Local knowledge of the lakes of all the tour lakes is interesting, I followed forums a while back for FLW and BASS and the Local guys always seem to ask the same questions of why the "Pro's" are doing this when the Locals know and in many cases were out at the same time doing that and generally doing better than the "Pros". So the question that always comes to mind is with the wealth of knowledge on lakes anymore from the news papers to internet and even many tv shows, is why are the pro's not doing what the locals are to produce? Heck in the off season if I was a pro I would be hiring local guides on the lakes and listen to them but seldom do you hear about that, maybe they do maybe they don't but you don't hear about it. And many of the lakes are on the circuit each year so why not hire a local who knows the lake like the back of his hand. Has even one pro thrown a Flutter-Spoon at open water fish?
  20. SEXY SHAD?????? Is that a shad in a mini-skirt ?
  21. More like next to impossible lol. But there is patterns that do under the right circumstances Wind = ( Wind Swept Points ), Deep water = ( Drop Shot ) over structure, Warts on steep banks, And jerk baits or cranks over medium depth structure. The lake just is not set-up for 0 to 8ft except in rare cases. As for finding shad that is so simple, find the big center console boats that are STRIPER GUIDES there is a reason they are there and that's FOR STRIPERS that want SHAD.
  22. Great analogy Fisherman, the lake is without doubt a tough one to fish. But there has been a lot of good weights from local tournaments this year. The pro’s I watched beat the banks and just about every show you watch they are doing the same thing. I don’t know how many times I have reported the offshore bite on the lake and other anglers have said the same thing, it is not like it’s a secret or the information is not public about it as this is a public forum. So the question comes up. Why do these (Pro’s) not heed the advice of people who are on the lake way more often than them and get off the bank and target those offshore fish? No you will not get a 30lb daily weight off Beaver unless a Leprechaun is sitting in the boat with you but last I checked the goal is to Get a limit Have enough weight to place you in the top 20 by Saturday and top 10 on Sunday. Win tournament. Ok getting a limit: Public Knowledge ( accessible to the anyone with some net search ) the average size fish on Beaver is 1.75 lbs that means a limit runs about 8.75lbs for 5 fish. 17.5 pounds for two days. An angler needs to get those 5 fish then search out some bigger fish of the 3lb range for culling 2 would put them at 11.25 per day putting them at 22.5 for two days. That puts them in the top 20 as we sit now. 22.13 is top 20 to fish Saturday. Today is going to be windy but warm and that means fishing windswept points. Those fish are running about 2.25lbs or were when I was out earlier which = 11.25lbs and they were very willing to bite. I would target them and get a limit and then hop to other points trying to cull for three pound fish till 1pm then go look for big girls around shad balls for a monster cull. Best case scenario you cull to a 3lb average on the points for a 15lb day and best of the best you are able to hit an open water fish to get you to 18lbs. Its nice to armchair. But it just keeps making me wonder why they are beating banks and not hitting points on the wind or fishing the offshore fish. I would love to know if any of them are throwing a Jerk-bait or a Ned. Yes the horrible Ned, we know it produces.
  23. I have done that Marty, it was fun for a while but with regulations and the worry of being sued if someone is bit even by a harmless snake it is not worth it anymore.
  24. Jason there is proof. Read the paper I sent you.
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