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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. All I use for trolling is St Croix http://stcroixrods.com/products/freshwater/avid-series-casting PC70MHF 7' MH Fast 1 10 - 20 3/8 - 1 4.7 4 $ 150 For the Reel I use an Okuma line counter simple as that spooled with 10lb Seagar Fluorocarbon
  2. They were a Pleasure to have in the store and meet in person. You have a couple great gals and im very happy they caught fish.
  3. Snowy River was an awesome movie, Another one that could go up with Red Fern of a Boy becoming a man.
  4. Even Mel has said with this Politically correct world and the lack of people understanding the satire it was based off of the movies at the time and time period itself this movie could not be made today. He went on to say that though he could make it and politics aside it was the satire it had on the movies of the time and the cast members who only wanted to make a fun movie and have fun making it. I love interviews with Mel he just makes you laugh, think and feel good.
  5. Here ya go Ness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbPDCCcorIo&feature=youtu.be
  6. Ness this is what I have told everyone on Sniper.... Ignore all the media BS about it. Think of it as a story of a Mans life and you will come out feeling something I can not describe properly. I have seen it now 15 times and each time I have that same feeling.
  7. I do want to add MY NAUGHTY ONES. Streets of Fire Eddy and the Cruisers Dune Jaws If they are on im watching them
  8. Where the Red Fern Grows (Original 1974 ) American Sniper Quiet Man Jeremiah Johnson She wore a Yellow Ribbon
  10. Jon is on here shoot him a PM, he is good about getting back. NWAFISHBIOLOGIST is Jon, I think its great having him and Mojo on here.
  11. Very Nice. But disappointed there is no flamingos lol.
  12. Wonder how a frog would work in that situation... Randy go try it and report back please.
  14. WOW.
  15. Page 38, 39 and 40 explains it and it is the law http://www.boat-ed.com/assets/pdf/handbook/ar_handbook_entire.pdf If you look at Page 39 ( Improper Speed or Distance ) 3rd paragraph it explains pretty clearly.
  16. just bring the fish in and have it weighed that's all you have to do
  17. Up to the Angler as far as I know. I know I aint letting go any crappie walleye or stripers so long as they are legal and I don't do catfish. Bass I would probably release Blacks and Smallies but K's might be dinner. But that's just my opinion remember I eat fish.
  18. Bass Crappie Striper Walleye Catfish No clue why the catfish got cut off I checked it from the original and its there so my guess a facebook glitch I notified Aaron so he can correct it.
  19. My guess on the mudline is it was already stained to the Islands at 12 bridge and heading toward Coppermine, this rain will probably reinforce the mudline from both river arms North toward those areas with stained water all the way to Fords Creek based off past events like this one. It will make the lake dangerous with hazards but could just turn on more fish already or at least make it a little easier the clear water has been good but a little stain will make it great for crappie and walleye certainly.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/337690456256149/photos/np.59081285.100000617891191/980880758603779/?type=1&notif_t=notify_me
  21. I think the gauge is broken because I just got back from looking at it and its easily up a foot from yesterday. LOTS OF DEBRIS FLOATING. People better use EXTREME CAUTION.
  22. When it comes to management of the COE lakes its Flood Control first and Power second nothing else third. After speaking to people who attended the meetings on the Master Lake Plans for Beaver recently they all had the same impression which was; "We must take public input but you are wasting your time and ours because we are not changing anything" I hope those people were wrong but when it comes to government agencies the least amount always seems to be the path most traveled. If they really cared they would listen to the Public and Game and Fish and try to work together to improve Recreation within the primary use guidelines. It is no secret that I believe they should make No Wake zones in ANY cove/creek-arm where standing timber could be hazardous or where Wakes could damage shoreline or docks. Also with the growing population in NW Arkansas they need to repair boat ramps or improve them even put in a few new ones and on other COE lakes make sure the ones they have stay open and maintained.
  23. I think it will actually help. water been real clear and some stain could make it better. My only concern is it pushes them deeper or with these storms it might raise the lake a lot more.
  24. That is such a great looking fish and story. I really admire them a throwback to the dinosaurs imo.
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