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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. When your insurance company raises your rates after a couple Vulture Damage claims, just forward that LINK to them. I'm sure they'll readjust your writer. 😅
  2. Yet the old farmers and bricklayers that I grew up around had skin as tough as an alligator, and lived their entire lives baking in the sun with a Pall Mall hanging out of their mouth. Not a single one ever whined about "skin cancer", and they lived well into their 80's and beyond......unless they passed out drunk on a train track or something similar. 😅
  3. Yet Crappie, who should only need to be capable of seeing black & white......are the most color picky fish of all time. 😅
  4. Those Fortrex mounts are among the most over-engineered things in the boating world. Older boats weren't built sturdy enough in the bow to handle that heavy of a trolling motor bolted to them. Adding that much weight to the bow sure helps the hole-shot, but one trip across some rough water and the whole nose of the boat starts getting ripped apart. 🙄 If you can't lift it off the floor with ONE HAND then it's probably too heavy to be bolting it to the top cap of a bass boat. I'm surprised (and disappointed) that the designers didn't consider that.
  5. Yeah I feel kinda like I've been gang raped here lately 😅
  6. Sure'nuff! 😊 My favorite thing about air-gunning squirrels is if there's 2-3 in a tree, and you pick one off.....the others just look down at him as if to say.... "What's wrong with that drunken bastard?" Then they go right back to doing whatever they were doing. Doesn't put them all into stealth mode like the crack of a .22 rifle does. 👌 I assume it would work the same way with those weatherstrip gobbling buzzards. 👍 I wonder how many spontaneous heart attacks, or sudden brain aneurysms you could initiate before the flock spooks and lifts off? 😉
  7. Staring at the screen would kill your night vision.
  8. Gee. I wonder who has one? Hmmm 🤔 Yeah I dunno 👎
  9. You darn right you can 😊 Just don't brag about it on FB !
  10. What blows my mind is that I never knew, or even heard of anyone with a dangerous form of skin cancer until I was in my mid-40's A mere 15 years later and now it seems that everyone has it. Or if they don't have it then they know 10 people that do. Including youngsters. If I thought about it I bet I could come up with a sizable list of other "ailments" that fit that same pattern. So what the heck is happening to the human race ? 🤔 How old were YOU when you first heard the term "Basil cell, or Squamous cell carcinoma" ? And did everyone in your circles lather themselves with sunscreen and stay in the shade their whole lives?
  11. It was never about Ash trees to ME.....it was about biologists launching an all out war on an insect, and receiving government funding for a study......While knowing full well that there's no way in gods green earth that they could possibly WIN THE WAR ! You apparently took offense because you once sold an Ash log for more than a biologists paycheck, and now you're sore about it because you'd rather sell it to a logging firm than to a camper for firewood. 🥴
  12. I Googled... "Calculating what an Ash tree is worth".... and that's what it said. How else would I know. Then I hollered across the room and asked my wife's friend (who works at a campground that sells bundles of firewood) "How much were those little bundles of firewood selling for last year?" .....and she said 4.00 That's where I got my information🤷‍♂️ So what, do you like HATE ME now, or something? Sorry, I guess. FORGET IT! Blows my mind that I can't BS with some of you guys about ANYTHING..... without pissing somebody off. 🙄
  13. No, you said it wasn't marketable as firewood. Nevertheless, Dude, CALM DOWN! I wasn't trying to insult your beloved Ash trees. Let's not completely lose our sense of humor here ! 🙄
  14. This stuff here is pretty expensive, but it does do the job for Basil & Squamous cell skin cancers. It isn't "officially approved" here in the U.S. but is being used with great results in Australia and the UK. https://vita-stream.com/curaderm-bec-cream.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7gLLllq4qsKM9F87Vq242Nev97X70S-LA8TV5_bIsdxSqpTWHSDl1RoCXIcQAvD_BwE
  15. Sugarbritches say she doesn't mind kissing me on the nose or cheeks, instead of smack on the lips 😊 And I can always just lick her face like a puppy dog. 😋
  16. Skin cancer sucks ! No doubt about it. But of all the things I could have wrong with me...... I'll gladly take it. I just passed a full year of treating Basil cell on my own. It was on my upper lip so cutting it out wasn't an option. Haven't had a second biopsy yet but I'm pretty sure the cancer is gone. The healing is taking forever but it is SLOWLY filling in. I doubt that it will ever be back to normal though. Since my modeling and dating days are long gone the only thing I truly miss is WHISTLING 😙 😅 And I'm sick & tired of this stupid Aquaphore tape that I have to cut to shape and cover it with. What a PIA ! They couldn't have gone very deep there on your boys temple..... ain't much depth of skin there to begin with! Hope he heals up handsome as ever. 👍
  17. I just looked it up, it's worth about 900 per ton(premium), or .87 per board foot. Campgrounds sell firewood for 4.00 a bundle.....and you can easily carry 2 bundles under each arm. I'll maintain that an Ash tree is worth more as firewood until somebody proves me wrong.
  18. Now wait a minute 🤔 Dutch says they won't burn. So who's full of $#!t here? 😅
  19. I only know about it because I have buddies that are really good at it, and I've listened to them. My personal experience with it is lacking. It's not something that I WANT to be good at, so there's not much motivation. 🤷‍♂️
  20. Here's my take on old dudes like me vs. young bucks, when it comes to FFS..... We were in on the ground floor of sonar stuff, the displays and returns were CRAP and honestly couldn't be relied upon.....and we wasted a decent portion of our lives trying. Today's kids were brought up with far more decent/friendly/reliable electronics.....stuff that actually MEANS WHAT IT SAYS. This is why I think the older generation is so slow to accept and learn this stuff. In my field of work the diagnostic programs of the first computer controlled outboards were a huge waste of time.....and time is money. The odds that the diagnostic programs would ACTUALLY lead you to the heart of the problem were about 1-in-15. 🙄 Honestly that hasn't gotten any better, which is why I won't even bother trying anymore.
  21. Your local sawmill pays more for wood than you can get for firewood? Our doesn't. If you want the most money out of a tree, you will come out way further ahead by selling it as firewood. And I have a sawmill only 2/10 of a mile from here. https://g.co/kgs/Ef161Ur
  22. I have no idea. Don't listen to ME, I've just had a belly full of the BS we are being fed on a daily basis, and I've gotten to the point that I don't automatically assume anything we are being told is factual. I never ASKED or INQUIRED about problematic Ash trees.....yet SOMEHOW my brain got injected with a huge dose of information about some bug that is detrimental to them. Am I the only one who finds that intriguing? 😅
  23. And like a perfectly programmed citizen you automatically point your finger at the BUG you were programmed to blame. https://www.lawnstarter.com/blog/tree-care/ash-tree-diseases/ So it turns out that there are 8 known, and common, Ash tree diseases that have nothing to do with insects. And 2 known diseases that can be attributed to insects.
  24. Dude, you're high ! 🙄 No outboard, 4-stroke or otherwise, is going to last 20 years in saltwater ! Offshore boats are running 4-strokes because that's all that is available now......and they have to be replaced every 4-7 years. So what are you even talking about here? Longevity? 🤔 My yard is completely full of outboards produced in the 70's, 80's, and 90's and all they need is regular service and maintenance. What's the oldest 4-stroke outboard that YOU are aware of ? Fuel efficiency? Fuel bought today needs to be burnt up pretty soon..... because its shelf life isn't very long. How far do you run?
  25. During spawning time the fishes colors get more brilliant. Bluegill get that bright orange throat, bluish gill plates, and the green on his sides get more brilliant, Black Crappie turn almost completely black, Walleye get well defined greenish gold bars, and Bass lateral lines get more defined, Smallmouth are as bronze as they ever get during that time, ect. It stands to reason that THOSE colors are certainly noticable to other fish.
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