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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. What you have there is a repeating phantasm, or what is more technically described as a class 5 free roaming vapor. A real nasty one too.
  2. How's it taste?
  3. Condensation and/or moisture absorbtion over the few months of Winter isn't anything to be concerned about. If it is just a gallon or two in a poryable tank the best thing to do is dump it out and start fresh in the Spring, but most folks just top it off with fresh fuel and that seldom causes any noticable problems. If you have doubts about the quality of it you can draw a cupful into a glass jar and see if it separates (water) or has a varnish or aerosol smell (old/stale). Old gasoline turns dark, thicker, and smells like varnish. Old alcohol enhanced fuel looks like weak cloudy lemonade and smells like spray paint or hairspray.
  4. Don't think I didn't try Do you have any idea where a google search like that will take you? I think I have officially pulled a muscle. LMAO
  5. Carb bowl gaskets and needle valve need to be refreshed and float settings need to be reset...so Yep, it's getting the carbs overhauled. As well as the fuel pump and water pump.
  6. Looking forward to it. Bring a few poles, the weather outlook (if we can trust it) looks awesome. There's a few spots real close we can hit that won't wear you out too much before heading back.
  7. Pretty much, yeah. You can't control the available fuel quality. You might be able to today, but probably not tomorrow so it's pointless to trip on it. If all is well with your outboard then you'll know immediately if you get a truly bad dose of fuel. And getting bad fuel isn't as common as alot of techs might want you to believe. Too many times folks are told that the available fuel quality is the reason for a problem when it truly isn't. That's the bottom line.
  8. Not to butt heads with GM, but his judgement calls are questionable lately. 6 month old fuel in a vented tank is not gonna be very good. I doubt that it would damage anything but it could screw up a good fishing day. Burn it up in your chainsaw....you won't be near as disappointed if you get screwed out of a day of cutting wood.
  9. I think Stump bumper has it closer to right. And again.... advertising "no ethanol" is not making a claim of 0% ALCOHOL content. "Ethanol" is not the only alcohol based formula, it is only one of them. And everyone has just forgotten what REAL gasoline looks, smells, and feels like.
  10. You should see what the Hoot owls do to chickens out in Ivy Bend when they get on a "bender".
  11. You've never heard the expression "drunker than a hoot owl"?
  12. Remove the fuel guage sender and tilt the boat so that the remaining fuel goes to the most convenient corner of the tank. Siphon as much out as you can, then use a rag (old dish towel) on a piece of stiff wire to soak up the rest. If it looks clean but you just want to get "most of it" out and it doesnt have a anti-siphon valve on the tank you can just cut off the engine fitting and let it siphon out the supply hose. But most older Rangers do have the valve..... which you can eliminate and replace with a straight nipple BTW.
  13. Scuff and dye? Naw, I feel your pain. My daughter wanted a pink crappie rod once, I refused because it was a POS and she got over it.
  14. What can I say....Everybody loves hooters.
  15. Rhonda, There's a bit of a play on words going on in that area. "No Ethanol" does not always mean "no Alcohol". I obviously haven't chemically tested any of the available fuel out there but I'd bet that it is next to impossible to purchase fuel anywhere that is alcohol free. Your O/B's should run fine on it since you are careful not to let it sit too long. The only fuel caused issues I've personally worked through were either a result of fuel that was 4-6 months old, or fuel that had numerous additives poured into it. (It looked fine, smelled fine, and passed the H2O contamination test.... but the engine just wouldn't run right and wouldn't respond to idle mixture adjustments. That's when I know that something is wrong with the fuel the engine is being fed, and so far those instances have always been a result of the owner dumping additives in it). All I can tell you for certain is that I haven't run into any fresh pump fuel AROUND MY AREA that an outboard wont run fine on. There may be some in other areas.
  16. Prolly trying to fend off the ghosts of all who have died at the hands of go-balls and bobbers. The ghosts come out when the evening horn blows, ya know? I could tell ya stories.....
  17. All of the hybrids in Mo. have striper mommas and White daddys I think.
  18. The park must contract out to the same outfit that Charlie Reading does. The freakin' place is in a constant state of unfinished construction. Kinda like the Winchester mansion.
  19. The size of the head and mouth is what's throwing me off. I still say Striper.
  20. Yeah, wouldn't it suck to shoot Santa Claus? Pretty sure that's a one way ticket to hell regardless of the circumstances.
  21. A short dbl.barrel is probably the quickest to load and the least likely to malfunction. And if two shots isn't enough, well.....
  22. Malarkey! Game dropped off at processing outfits don't always have all that info attached to them when left there for processing, nor when the finished product is picked up. And a commercial meat locker would not be considered "home" either. Sounds like your pal had a run-in with a genuine nit picking jackass that knows the fine is less than what a lawyer would charge to eliminate it. I can't stand a badge packer that screws with people even though it's obvious that they are doing nothing questionable. Just had to find someone to spill his pen on, didn't he?
  23. Ahh, they are playing that whole... "we want to hear your concerns"...notification game with you folks down there, hu? I know nothing of the politics of THAT lake community, but I know the pattern that follows little "postcards" like that. What it means is probably this; They are going to juggle some past rulings that are cramping someones style now, and alot of people are not gonna like it in the end....but they are going forward regardless, and in order to cover their asses in future debates they want to be able to say, "look, we vehemently seeked out and considered all aspects of the public opinion as it was presented to us, and ruled in the best interest and fairness of the majority".
  24. Nope, get rid of it. Or bring it and I will.
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