Technically, yeah. I think in all 3 incidenta a CCW carrier mishandled his/her "weapon", and somehow it was concidered a no-fault accident. This I am assuming because no charges were filed.
My point (regardless) is.... Nobody has been saved recently, if ever. Yet several have been harmed.
So you supposedly carry to protect yourself, but increase the risk of harm to innocent folks nearby in doing so?
Regardless of how awesome you are, if you carry 24/7/365 then the odds that you'll slip up in some way are increasing as time goes on.
The first month that I owned a high dollar smart phone I never dropped it or misplaced it...... but now that carrying it has become routine (even during long periods of not needing it) I find that it gets dropped and abused more frequently. It's just human nature for y'all to eventually treat your "weapons" like you treat your cell phones.
You carry it day after day, every day and tou expect me to believe that you will never ever become pre-occupied with anything else and take your focus away from that loaded firearm?
Horse S#!t !