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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Additional quick question... Is there no law against putting up "Private-Keep Off" signs in areas that aren't ? If not then there should be.
  2. This.... ...is both bulls#!t and unhelpful propaganda. First off, the gravel bars below the high water mark are NOT private property. And I've never once seen any private "picnic tables" on them, so wherever he supposedly saw this fornicating going on was obviously somewhere else....not on a river gravel bar. I never, ever, EVER see floaters leaving the highwater area bushwhacking through the briar thickets to pee, poop, or screw on someones PRIVATE property. Not saying it hasn't happened but c'mon, be fo'real ! I've been to and thru Redbeards area plenty, they don't seem to have a problem with massive piles of horse s#it everywhere on "their" gravel bars.
  3. Exactly my POV 100%
  4. Hi, Big Ed ! Glad to see you on here and hope you stick around.
  5. Aren't they all? I've had similar confrontations and I think the best way to handle it is to politely agree to go back to your truck and await the deputy or MDC agent. On 2 occasions that I know of the person attempting to run people off wasn't even a landowner/caretaker at all. If you feel that you're in the right, but leave because "someone unofficial" tells you to then you have pretty much agreed that you are in the wrong and therefore can NEVER come back. Stick around and deal with it, and if nobody from the county shows up in a reasonable amount of time then go back to fishing or call the county yourself and corner someone into making an official decision. If small river anglers just keep tucking their tails and allowing themelves to be shooed away all the time then they might as well just stay in the big lakes/rivers and crowded trout parks..... or take up golf.
  6. Oh gee, thanks for making me search and read through all of that BALONEY ! Appears to me that the real initiative there wasn't to... "help keep the soil and water free from coal ash contamination"... but rather to create a few high paying (yet meaningless) "inspector" careers for someones otherwise dead beat son inlaw.
  7. I can spare a hunnerd er two, shall we pass a hat?
  8. Just a bunch of dinks so far. It doesn't have enough YELLOW to keep my confidence level up between bites. Everytime I switch back to ol' Yeller-tech the water explodes, so I have to force myself to throw anything else.
  9. They look awesome! I'm a huge fan of the cupped face but I've had problems with marabou for popper tailings. I switched to silicone for my bigger LM poppers and never went back. I still like the of fashioned hackle tails for smallies though. Length and bulk on the tails is a guessing game, I had a habit for a long time of not tying them full enough and came to the conclusion that there's no such thing as "too full". If I can fit another set of hackles on the tail then I slap them on there....cuz when they're wet they seem to loose the bulk that they had on the vise.
  10. Looks like you could easily aquire access for awhile..... just tell the real estate agent you need to spend a few afternoons "looking around" before you can make an offer. http://www.unitedcountry.com/Ranches/Missouri/Eldridge%20Missouri-24048-10102.htm
  11. I fished the "upper Lower" then I guess. T'was a rather slow bite up there all weekend.
  12. I have faith that you'll be happy with it. I would be.
  13. April Vokey had a video right below yours ..... what was yours about again?
  14. Make sure you get a good trailer with it (that will be tricky at the price range you are talking). Pontoons are no fun to tow, even on the best fitted trailers. 24ft. is a comfortable and capable size, powered by a 70 - 115 hp. Try to stay with Lowe or Landau if possible. There will be alot of Trackers in your price range and they are good boats if they've been taken care of but there's a noticeable quality difference (under the deck). U-shaped toons are preferable to round "pill shaped" toons. Check the water line stain on the toons, the higher and more level it floats the better, and you can tell at a glance by the stain line.
  15. How much ocean floor do folks with coastal property own?
  16. As glorious as it might be in your dreams, no amount of money should be capable of buying a river, and no one "family" should be allowed to own one. Not even a short stretch of one. The rivers and the sky are not on the market. If they were then a landowner could survey and sell just his/her stretch of riverbed....Has that ever been done, or even tried?
  17. It IS a fact that there'd be darn few (like None) loud, drunk & rowdy river partys if the participants had to use and shuttle their own boats. And it appears that it is the partying on gravel bars that upsets landowners the most. No?
  18. Moss/gold, never lawn casted or stepped on, fished 4 times in cold water last Winter, looks and feels as good as new. Have original box/spool. No prob if you wanna buy something else, it was just a thought since I wished I had gotten the Grand instead when it wouldn't load the rod worth a crap when shortlining.
  19. Wanna trade even-up for a RIO Gold wf-6-F (moss/gold) in the same condition? It's just a tad light for my St.Croix LU906
  20. Beautiful man! Love the stippling, it gives a really cool effect. Gimme a white belly with 3 shades of yellow and my confidence is "with it" bigtime.
  21. Yeah..... I dunno 'bout all that "Best" chest beating going on up there ^^^, but "busiest" is probably still true. From what I know the guiding business out of the two "lodges" is more like a babysitting gig. (Send dad and junior out fishing for a couple hours while Mom's at her meeting). Not that there's anything wrong with that if the guide has the patience for it. Helping someone catch fish that doesn't really even want to is a friggin drag! And anyone that can keep doing that crap all year just to stay busy deserves to showboat their number of deposits.
  22. I did it for a long time but I don't anymore, not when I'm out fishing anyway. I just figure that I've done more than my share over the years and I'm not as energetic as I used to be.....so it's all up to you young studs now I have to give credit either to the general public in my area, the floods, or the ones still diligently doing the picking up....but I don't see near the amount of trash on the rivers that I frequent than I used to. Even on our local Stream Team stretch it was hard to fill a single bag recently. Bravo!
  23. That pattern appears to be statewide right now. Sounds like it! Well done.
  24. 2 men are in a truck going down a Missouri country road. The driver of the truck is from Missouri, the passenger is from Texas. A deer goes across the road 200 feet in front of them, and the Texan asks what it is. The Missouri man says "It's a deer, of course". The Texan says, "I didn't recognize it because in Texas, the deer are the size of a buffalo, everything is bigger in Texas". Later, they pass a turkey,and the Texan again asks what it is, and the Missouri man again states what the animal is. The Texan says "That puny thing is a turkey?" A few miles later there's a 2-ft. wide snapping turtle in the road, and the Texan says "Woah, what the hell is THAT"? Missouri man says....."it's a tick"
  25. I hope that you're right. If that's the case then the fishermen and the river party'ers together far outnumber river front land owners and as a whole pay more in taxes annually. Therefore we (the river users) will have it our way when it's all said and done. The party-float crowd is not as passionate about the rivers as the fishermen are though, or they'd make it to the river more than once/twice a year....NOBODY is THAT busy. I'm still betting that they'd cry harder over a closed mall or a favorite restaurant than they would a closed river.
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