I can't even compose a quality slide-show, much less a halfway decent series of vid clips. I have tried and it is beyond my camera/computer skills.
I will admit though that I have gone "heavy sigh" when it comes to the underwater release footage parts. But that's only because I watch alot (too many probably) of fly fishing vids.
No sense teaching these kids about firearms as they will be outdated by the time they grow up. In another 10-12 years everyone will probably have their own personal monitor drone buzzing quietly overhead ready to dispatch anyone in your perimeter that appears to want to do you harm.
Maybe tomorrows sportsmen will sit in their house on cold nasty days and hunt deer/turkey with drones.
Battery chargers are fickle sonsabitches. Even the high dollar ones can't outlast a cheap coffee maker around here. I started buying the cheap Schumacher ones again because even though a "quality" one will last a little longer, it doesn't last long(er) enough to justify its cost.
They are gonna cut some water loose Thursday and give it a flush. If I get all my work done Wed. AND it's not cold and raining on Thurs. I might try and hit it on the rise.
I, for one, really appreciate you calling them guns instead of 'Weapons". I'm so sick of that word I could puke in the lap of the next person I hear say it.
Did you try re-booting the unit? Every LCR I have ever owned kinda looses it's mind periodically (usually after getting in extreme shallow water where the return signal doubles, triples, and quadruples confusing the unit).
Turn the unit on and put the transducer in the palm of your hand....if you can feel it "ticking" and the ticking maintains a rhythm it is probably not a failed transducer.
Hell, couple years ago a guy lost his WHOLE darn LIFE over a bag of spoonbill eggs. Seized his truck, his bass boat, sentenced him to 5 years, and fined him 10k.
Ain't no recovering from that.....Life is over.
I was a bit confused last night when I saw that the CFS below Tunnel was drastically greater than the CFS above.
I was like ...Wait a minute. How does that work? And then it dawned on me that you'd have water going over the spillway and down the waste ditch PLUS whatever they were pushing through the tube.
I bet the bite at HHT was out of this world. Might still be.
Anything oil-based that makes a slick on the surface has no merit IMO and its use should generate the same frowns as you'd get by slinging a cupful of gas on the water.
Whatever it is that's in Berkeley power worms has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to make bass hold on longer....For whatever that's worth. But even though I know that I'm still a Culprit/Zoom buyer.
I kinda think that bass/sunfish/crappie/trout/walleye rely on their olfactory senses more for homing and navigation than they do during the actual act of eating. But simple reasoning should suggest that a whiff of something they associate with "food" when they are moving in on your lure SHOULD help seal the deal.
I've seen the slipping Gator mount issue on the older models quite a bit. If the impact slide is overtightened and you hit something causing it to slip anyway then the bushings (which are a soft aluminum), and the stainless lock washers have to be replaced.
They have eliminated the bushings on later models and I think they just made the inner slide wider for a tighter fit which has probably ended that little glitch forever.
LOL Yep I know of the Tobins. Legendary tomato and watermelon growers. And the whites still pile up in the back end of Proctor creek after a good rain.
Ah, a J road boy! My G/F's kids ride that bus Lots of funky news coming out of Stover lately. The people of that town deserve a freakin break! Seems to me that the county just wants to sieze the whole township for some reason. Sad.
Plenty of concrete construction and rock laying career ops here in the LO area if you're interested. The seawall crews are going full tilt with the low lake level and all.
Right on! If you're in the mood to take on another one I have a Lowe 180 that I'd just as soon sell cheap NOW as/is than to finish it out. I had planned to have it done before it got cold....but you know how that goes. This one will make a sweet catfish drifter....eventually.