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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Obviously. A lot of folks, yourself included I think, are confusing the dam-cam feed with surveillance. IMO it's not. Not really. For one thing, the streaming webcam at the dam isn't MDC's, it is supposably DNR's. At least someone from DNR said it was, but at the same time they also said that the other cams were not thiers. Secondly, Nobody wants to claim the other numerous actual surveillance cams that are set up in the park and campground. WHY ? because they know alot of folks take offense to it, and they are probably hearing about it. So Now, DNR has shut the dam-cam feed, apparently in an attempt to calm the negative feedback they are getting about park surveillance. Nice try. But here's the kicker....If THEY aren't the ones doing the surveillance (remember they originally said the other cams weren't theirs and they had no part of that), then WHY should they shut down the streaming webcam feed ? See? this is some twisted BS
  2. Yeah right. And the Hillbillies at the accesses with spincasters and rotten nylon line are taking all the big smallies. Don't even go there with me Boy
  3. Oh for crying out loud...What has gone unprotected ? Are there not enough fish at Bennett to suit everyone? If so, why do you assume that there won't be in the future without MORE bloodhounds ? Is the place trashed? No, I think it's reasonably tidy, especially for the amount of people that move through it. A few cigarette butts and gum wrappers on the ground and trees full of Globalls...Dude, you're always gonna have that unless each person has their own independant agent, or camera fixed on them all day long. You're always going to have a FEW rule benders regardless, but enough get slapped (even under minimal supervision) to keep things sufficiently in check. So unless (unbeknownst to me) things have gotten completely out of hand I really don't see the need or the desire to go all gustapo looking for trouble, and paying big money to find it, where there really and truly is none. Being watched like you're going to do something illegal constantly is like someone acting like everything you say is a lie. Eventually your just going to quit speaking to that person...right ? Tell me that it doesn't effect your mood when a cop is tailing you. Why ? Are you doing something wrong ? driving badly ? Why aren't you relaxed and enjoying the drive when he's back there ?
  4. Thanks DC, I had a replacement part made at a machine shop. It cost out the nose for no more than it was...but whaddaya gonna do ? Rite-Hite (as a company) lost some points with me bigtime. I delt with CMC for years and I know they wouldn't have blown us off that way, not a chance.
  5. What's really amazing to Me, is that you guys that live in the KC and STL areas come to fish at Bennett, and see horrific crimes committed every time you come down. Yet guys that live close and fish it all the time, only occasionally see someone doing anything mildly wrong. You cigar smokin' city boys either have a really keen eye for that stuff.... or you're bringing it with ya. To give you the benefit of the doubt though, I guess crime could truly be rampant there at the outlet hole and I wouldn't know because I don't fish there. Plus, I'm usually concentrating on fishing instead of concentrating on what other people are doing.
  6. Always ? What's the cost of an in-house game warden? I'd be willing to bet that at least 800-1000.00 is spent in wages and other related expenses... for every 70.00(legitimate)ticket that they write within the park boundarys. In all seriousness, most of the trout park fishers I know are 80% C&R. Occasionally some fish-hungry nimrod might sneak a few extra trout but is it really a serious rampant problem that is causing thousands of dollars worth of losses each month? I don't see the justification of a full time agent, covert undercover spys, or surveillance cams. All that money could be better spent elsewhere IMO
  7. Nope, bad idea. If they eat all the oil, then they'll start farting... And THERE GOES THE OZONE LAYER !
  8. It doesn't have to be seasoned hay, grass clippings and tree litter will work too. They can start cutting my lawn and raking my leaves anytime they want.
  9. Running coyotes with Greyhounds is a big group sport in Oklahoma. They turn the hounds loose on a Yodel dog from 50-100 yards away and then track them via 4WD's or ATV's and CB radios. It's cool to listen to them over the radio, and even cooler to be a part of. Those dogs are awesome...and FAST !
  10. Stillwater flyfishing out of a canoe is a skill in and of itself. The position and angle is never "right", and seldom even managable for me. River flyfishing from a canoe is...ok I'll say it.....Impossible. As for transporting between wadable areas: I have strap loops that hang below the seats on each side, I break the rod down to 2 pcs. and twist wrap the two pieces together with the leader, stick the butt/tip in the loop and rest the ferrule ends on the center thwart.
  11. OT Discovery 169 is the gold standard as far as I'm concerned. The heavier you load her, the more stable she gets. The Canoe that is....not the Wife
  12. Competition for food maybe ? Do the Eastern streams have the numbers of LM, spotted bass, sunfish and Goggleye that our streams do ? I also don't think our streams have the volume % of deep Wintering holes and sanctuarys that the Eastern rivers do.
  13. Racoon. Happens all the time.
  14. Double digits ? that's a tough call, but Truman has plenty in the 4-6+ range, and if that doesn't excite you then you've been at it longer than I have.
  15. Excellent trip report Al. Experiences like that are what cause guys to pull up stakes and move out West.
  16. Not sure about TR, but in Lake of the Ozarks they are way up in the creeks spawning right now....by the thousands ! I think they seriously need to be thinned out, their numbers in this lake are rediculis and the dang things live FOREVER.
  17. IMO the circumstances where a sink-tip is truly useful are pretty rare on Mo. streams and rivers. Carrying a few Rio sinking leaders (specifically the 7ft-5ips and 3ips) might be a better alternative. It is for Me. The 3ips is excellent (perfect) for keeping clousers deep.
  18. That was my exact thought when I saw who the originator of this topic was. If you're wanting to spend less than a new one there are some fine used ones out there.
  19. Makes no sense. I wish I could help you through the forum but I'd have to see it IRL. I am in the Lake Ozark area, where are you located ? Note: you will always have a slight forward push when in neutral, but unless your idle is set extremely high it shouldn't be uncontrollable.
  20. I'd say that y'all can rest easy. I don't know what the statistics indicate but I'm somewhat "in the business" and I notice a marked reduction in tournament participation over the last 4-5 years. Interest in the B.A.S.S. and other nationally covered events seems to be falling off also I think. 10-15 years ago there were at least 2 bass clubs in every town around here, and now there is only 1 in the entire lake area and I don't even think they participate in the federation money-pit anymore. Meanwhile I see more and more guys getting serious about catfish, walleye, stripers and hybrids. And flyfishing (especially warmwater flyfishing) is getting noticably more popular. For a long-long time I was the only flyfisherman in my extended neighborhood and now there are a dozen or more. All of a sudden it's becoming common to see flyrods, stripping baskets, downriggers and anchor systems in my customers boats, and the "fish talk" around the shop has changed (I can't even remember the last time someone sat down at the BS table to tune a box of bass jigs and/or study a topo map). Interest in different things kinda cycles, and it seems to me that the big-mouthed green fish in the impoundments are fixin' to get a break.
  21. Hell yeah, as long as you'll warranty it and CMA if it causes my customer to run his boat into a bluff. Actually you're being more helpful than the chick from the factory.
  22. I need a replacement part for a Rite Hite jackplate, not sure what "they" call it but here's a pic of the broken item. (CMC calls it a thrust bushing) I emailed the factory and have gotten no reply. Tried calling and the "perrson" I spoke to was not helpful at all. Their site doesn't have a dealer locator, and none of the other shops around here have a clue as to how to obtain one. If anyone knows of a Rite-Hite dealer (other than BPS or Cabela's) that will assist in locating a replacement bushing, please point me to'em. Thanks, Wrench
  23. Back to your bridge Evil Troll, you have no powers here.
  24. Hows that "Lest-ye-not" scripture go again ? Listen Mr. Eighthunnerdandwhatever, if you don't have something derogatory to say, don't say nuttin' at all.
  25. There ya go ! Almost all of Z1 is slick frogwater and perfect for bait fishing. Z2 and Z3 has some riffles and seams, and is way more sporty water to flyfish. The powers that be are just scared that more fish than they would like will end up in Z4
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