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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by gramps50

  1. To bad they are a little to small for me.
  2. Who stops and picks up road kill to use in fly tying? Such as a squirrel that was on the slow side crossing the road. I believe only the tail of the squirrel is used. If one was to to picked up on the road what would you need to do to it before it's added to your tying supplies?
  3. I think I got some at Bass Pro, not large quanites, maybe 4 oz jars for a couple of bucks. Eastwood also sells it http://www.eastwood.com/paints/hotcoat-powder-coating/powders.html
  4. Anybody fish Arnold city park? Don't think its a MDC stocked lake and I'm guessing that its fish population is from when the meramec floods. I have seen people fishing there, can't say I've seen them catching anything.
  5. I have had pretty good luck fishing the Ned's rig. Thanks Phil for the video, nice to see how it's working under water.
  6. Thanks for the tip wrench I'll have to try the lighter, thanks
  7. This is just an FYI, & not a complaint. I have tried flatening the barb using several methods and in each the hook shank snapped at the bend. Tried small flat nose pliers, the jaws of a tying vise, same result each time. Haven't tried knocking it off with a dermal.
  8. You have a good point Al, I wear mostly t-shirts & shorts in the warmer weather. In all my years I never recall being sun burnt on any part of my body that was covered, only the bear skin got burnt. I use to only burn early in the year if I wasn't careful but now it seems that I can get a burn even after I have been exposed to the sun for a while, guess it's that age thing and skin getting thinner. Time to cover up, just don't care for sun screen.
  9. The Accelerator arrived Monday, I'm here to tell you the videos make it look easy. I'm sure it doesn't replace going out and practicing with a fly rod, but when it's cold, rainy or just to ugly to go practice I think it will help. I think it will help with acceleration & the stop. Trying to use it several times a day to build muscle memory.
  10. Hi Jeff, welcome to the OA Forums, good rest place with great people.
  11. Couple of nice trout there Joe
  12. Looks like a great trip
  13. Wow that's a nice Bow..........
  14. Just remember it's easier to get forgiveness than permission. I think Cabela's has a starter vise for $20, looks like the one that comes in their tool kit. Not the best vise in the world but it would beat tying by hand.
  15. I bought a cheap rod from Amazon to use the handle end to practice inside, didn't work as planned so I did some modifications and came up with a practice rod. Full story.... Here's the rod in action
  16. I'm gonna go check that out, thanks guys
  17. I have an old Eagle on the console that came with the boat. When I bought the new HD 597 I put it up front. But that's just me.
  18. I'm real seriously consider getting some UPF long sleeve fishing shirts to wear this summer. My problem is when I turn red I'm already burnt to a crisp. Think I need a good wide brim hat too, my boundy hat just isn't cutting it not enough brim. I have heard that Cabela's Guide Series being some of the best.
  19. I almost bought some Altoids the other day at Wally World just for the boxes.
  20. I should the video to the boss and she said I needed one and that I should order it. Learned a long time ago not to argue with the boss.
  21. Found a box of hooks in my mail box today
  22. This looks like an interesting product to use to get your fly casting timing refined. Also something you could use in the winter months to keep your casting muscles toned. Your thoughts. BTW it's a $70 gizmo Here's a demo by Floyd Dean
  23. I bought the rod at Cabela's they said to call to make sure someone would be a available and they would give casting lessons, would this be a good place to start? My problem is nobody I fish with fly fishes. You guys have been a tremendous help in getting me started. Today I didn't have my cheater strap or wrist brace on, I think I need to keep using them for awhile to help keep my wrist straight.
  24. I found this feather out in the front yard a while back. From the size of it I'm guessing it came from a hawk or owl. My question does it look like it would be of use for fly tying? The feather fibers off the quill are stuck together and it appears to be natural. The shorter fibers on the one side appear to be natural too.
  25. Weather here today isn't the best for practicing but I didn't manage to get out for a short period between rain drops. Was windy, the best way it seemed was to have a cross wind, that way it didn't effect the front or back cast as much. After watching the video here is what I saw, the loop is to wide and making a big circle, think I was moving the rod in an arc instead for a straight line. Can't see the back loop but on the front loop I start moving the rod back to the 1-2 o'clock position (sometimes even to 3 o'clock) before the line fully straightens out. When I was moving my thumb/rod in a straight line everything looked much better. At times there was a loop forming below the tip of the rod before the line straightened out. This really shows when I watched it frame by frame. I see things I need to work on.
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