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    Willard, MO
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    Trout, Trout, Trout.

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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. I also fished on Labor Day just below outlet 2 with lots of waders and people on the bank. There was a nice bite going on for about an hour, between 7:30 and 8:30 am then it was slow. Caught one nice 18 inch brown on a gray scud below a pheasant tail nymph. Had something huge that decided to go downstream, got into my backing before it broke off the 6x tippett. First time back wading since the water flow has slowed down. Had a great time!
  2. I would buy a bigger rod first to use to learn your casting technique. Then go to your 7 ft glass rod as you will be able to handle it much better than if you only started on the smaller rod.
  3. Nice fish! How do you like the Orvis Encounter Rod and Reel?
  4. I fished last Friday and caught fish using these on top of the water: Renegade, Griffith Gnat and a blue Crackleback.
  5. She will remember that fish for the rest of her life! Awesome!
  6. Fished yesterday in zone 2 and caught 15 fish in the afternoon. Nothing big but for the first time I caught fish using 3 different methods in one day. First, free drifting a white or pink glo ball. Then, stripping a brown wooly bugger and then later in the day I put on a Renegade to dry fly fish. Had fun!
  7. You can also fly fish in zone 2, some like where the hatchery outlet meets the stream.
  8. Hmmm, I also now only get the static photo. Maybe they only had live video for opening day?
  9. Just went to see a few pics of opening day and was pleasantly surprised to see that the trout cam is now streaming live video from 2 angles instead of a photo that refreshes every 30 seconds. You might have to try a few times as the page gave me an Access Denied message. I just refreshed a couple of times and got the USTREAM video. Nice! http://mostateparks.com/content/trout-cam
  10. Try again, it gave me the same message but as I kept refreshing the page I finally saw the video stream.
  11. Beautiful weather for January (high around 55 degrees)( with an average amount of anglers on the water. I tried a cutthroat furled nymph leader for the first time and caught a rainbow on my first cast! I like the furled leader and will be interested to see how long it lasts. It definitely casts well. As usual I stopped by Tim's fly shop and he recommended the weighted white chamois worm. I put a peach egg pattern underneath it and caught 13 fish on the day with a 7x tippet. For the first time I saw the hatchery truck stock the river while fishing. A great day!
  12. Awesome photos especially the angler at sunrise (or sunset?) !
  13. Lots of action there! Was that a woolly bugger?
  14. Had a great day that started off seeing a bald eagle! I fished from 8 am to 4 pm with about 2 hours of break time. Landed a total of 18 rainbows mainly using Tim's Oregon cheese egg pattern and the white Mega worm. Also a couple on dry flies (blue winged olive). I was very surprised with the perfect weather in the high 50's that there were very few anglers. Used 7x tippet and my 3wt fly rod.
  15. Really appreciate your report that always teaches me more about Lake Taneycomo! Thanks!
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